Money and Record Sales...

I don't think they are. Alexi often said that they don't have much money.....
They don't get money regularly, and when the time has come that they have more money than normal, they drink more :-)
record companies dont just take most of the money...they may as well take all of it. look at how many "popular" artists go bankrupt while still in the limelight. but also, i dont know the backround (ownership) when it comes to these smaller record companies. they may all be owned by BMG...who fuckin knows.
Artists, if they own their own songs, get money from royalties, murchandizing and ticket sales. Albums are only like 5% of the actual cost the companies sell them for and not even the inflated prices record stores charge. so if you really want to support a band, buy merch
Also remember...

Record comapnies give bands a huge.."loan" when they are signed and the record companies make that money back with album sales.
but dont they also get some money from ESP and Pearl? anyone who buys a RV-350 AL gives alexi a little money id say, especially at 4000 bucks a pop. i bet that over 5 albums numerous tours, and festivals, growing exposure and publicity, COB has about. . 3 million album sales between the 5 albums, and qite a bit from touring and merchandising and sponsers and stuff. . .
yea i think in the next on the next album or 2 albums from now they will be a lot more popular in America cuz if they were talking about the sixpounder video on MTV there gonna show one of there vids sooner or later. I think then they will be truley rich, in money and fans. The only downside is youve got all these poser fans that arent really true metal heads they just say they like COB cuz they saw them on MTV
the problem isnt the fans...
the problem is the record companies taking control of the type of music they create and how its marketed.

but granted those fans suck balls....hard!
Haha, you people with your "edit this" and "find an older similar post" that. Reminds me of the hall monitor asshole kids from elementary school that would always suck up to the teacher and end up getting their asses kicked.

But on to the topic at hand, record companies get most of the money from album sales. I think it's pretty stupid actually. Buncha greedy motherfuckers. CDs are extremely cheap to produce, and if CDs were generally lowered in price, I think albums would get way more sales and this music piracy thing wouldn't be that much of an issue. Paying 16 dollars for under an hour of music is just fucking stupid.
Serge... said:
Haha, you people with your "edit this" and "find an older similar post" that. Reminds me of the hall monitor asshole kids from elementary school that would always suck up to the teacher and end up getting their asses kicked.

But on to the topic at hand, record companies get most of the money from album sales. I think it's pretty stupid actually. Buncha greedy motherfuckers. CDs are extremely cheap to produce, and if CDs were generally lowered in price, I think albums would get way more sales and this music piracy thing wouldn't be that much of an issue. Paying 16 dollars for under an hour of music is just fucking stupid.

Record Companies suck a nut.
I' sure that by now they can afford mansions and yachts and whatnot.......but -UNLIKE the lazy cunts with nothing but rich parents- they deserve it. :worship: Hands down.