Monitor controller mania: Presonus Central Station alternatives?

I'm figuring out my next setup, which I'm hopefully going to get this spring/summer, and I've been browsing through the monitor controller options. The Presonus Central Station is supposed to be awesome, but it has quite a bit of features I don't need, such as talkback and headphone amps, since I'm running a purely mixing and mastering setup here. What I like about the unit is the DA-converter and the various input/output setups, but frankly I don't need much more than that.

The TC Electronic BMC-2 looks really cool, but I haven't found much hands-on information about the actual sound quality and converters. The obvious contenders are SPL's controller line, but I've heard some horror stories about their durability and sound quality, and having used two SMC's in two different studios, they both suffered from a messed up balance and stereo image at lower levels.

If there aren't any reasonable alternatives, I'll probably just go for the Central Station anyway, as it seems like a solid choice. I'm not too excited about spending much more than that, but if you guys can shed any information on the alternatives, I'm really grateful :)
TBH nothing at the price point touches it.
UNless you get one of the cheaper coleman units
I've heard horror stories about just about every unit that isn't an Avocet or above. Just gotta grit your teeth and go one direction. Accept that if you don't have to take out a mortgage, your gear is going to have some imperfections to work around.

Having said that...

I've heard horror stories about just about every unit that isn't an Avocet or above. Just gotta grit your teeth and go one direction. Accept that if you don't have to take out a mortgage, your gear is going to have some imperfections to work around.

Having said that...

Of course, but that doesn't mean I should pull the trigger on something that I've personally had issues with. And so far I don't think I've heard a single complaint of the CS.

How's the 2Control worked on low volumes (first 1/6th of the knob or so)? No balance issues?
I love my TC Electronic level pilot/ Haven't had issues with it at all and it's really transparent.