Monitor controller and talkback solutions...


Jun 23, 2009
Hey guys!

I got my Opals last week and I really want to upgrade my monitor controller (I read what Ermz wrote about this topic and I´m sure my BigKnob is a weak link)...

The SPL 2Control looks very good since I want a desktop solution. But I need talkback which is a problem. So how about this:

1. I´ll integrate a cheapo t-bone SDC (still better then built in talkback mics) in my studio ceiling, connect it to a preamp and my interface

2. I trigger the mic with a assigned keyboard shortcut inside the control room section of Cubase

3. I use the 2Control to control my monitor volume and selection (if I ever buy a second pair)

Would that be possible? I don´t have much experience with the control room... Will I get a delay on the headphones when I use higher buffer sizes? Will it be reliable?

Greetz Chris
i am selling my coleman audio m3ph mk3 atm, awesome monitor controller, PM me if yoyu're interested ;)
it's 19 but it looks gorgeous on a table! :D

SPL, not a big fan of them, i owned two of their MC's (SPL VOLUME 2/ SPL MTC 2381)
both were not ok, shitty pots, and the known left/right issue but maybe i just got bad units.


PS: sorry for the spam :D
i am selling my coleman audio m3ph mk3 atm, awesome monitor controller, PM me if yoyu're interested ;)
it's 19 but it looks gorgeous on a table! :D

SPL, not a big fan of them, i owned two of their MC's and both were not ok,
shitty pots, and the known left/right issue but maybe i just got bad units.


PS: sorry for the spam

Sounds interesting but this unit has no talkback too... I want to know more about the Cubase control room possibilities before I decide which unit I´ll buy

EDIT: I really like the idea of the SDC in the ceiling... I imagine it would give me a much better talkback quality not just when I talk but when bandmembers on the couch in the back of the room are talking to the recording musician. I really hope the control room idea works...
yeah, unfortunately the coleman unit does not have a talkback option,
dunno if the control room thing will work, i'm a complete routing noob :D

As long as your interface has a direct monitoring function, you shouldn't have any delay at all.
I've just been using a rode m1 on a goose neck stand on my desk for talkback, have it on an aux channel and its always on. If a band member wants to talk to someone they can get off their ass!

Check out nfaudio for monitor controllers, he'll pretty much build you anything you want and they are exceptional quality. Great prices too.
So everyone recommends hardware solutions... I will try out the software way myself, but it´s very possible that I´ll end up buying a hardware monitor controller
How about a Presonus Central Station? I'm looking into one myself.

SPL, not a big fan of them, i owned two of their MC's (SPL VOLUME 2/ SPL MTC 2381)
both were not ok, shitty pots, and the known left/right issue but maybe i just got bad units.

I've used two separate SPL SMC controllers, both had the same symptoms. Not something you'd expect in the price range.
How about a Presonus Central Station? I'm looking into one myself.

I've used two separate SPL SMC controllers, both had the same symptoms. Not something you'd expect in the price range.

Yeah the Central Station looks interesting too... But I´m somehow still intrigued by the hardware-software hybrid thing. I mean... I could get a TC Level Pilot and a T-Bone SDC and do the other stuff with keyboard shortcuts. That would give me a boost in quality and I would actually make money by selling the BigKnob. I don´t think I´ll need all the extra stuff like mono, dim and multiple monitors.
I really like my Central Station (with remote, I'd go crazy without it). No problems or decrease in sound quality.. at least nothing audible to me.
The Coleman stuff is said to be real good, the TB4mkII has integrated talkback but no remote and it's really expensive in germany..

I thought about a hybrid solution for a while but having only one piece of gear for everything (talkback,switching monitors,mute (!), dim, volume control) seems easier and more reliable than several pieces plus software to me. Also you get a nice volume meter with the Central Station :lol: