Monitor hum - Fault or not?


Jul 13, 2010
Got a pair of BX8 D's today and plugged them in to find a low hum that was not related to the interface, pc monitor, pc or any other electrical device in the room. It isn't related to the volume, no change in volume affects it. It isn't anything to do with the audio cables. They hum whether anything is plugged in or not.

I tried the monitors in three different rooms in three different floor of the house. This particular one has recently been rewired completely. These are my first monitors so I have no experience with this whatsoever. Is it normal? Is it the monitors? Is it ground or 50hz hum?

I don't get it through my hifi system. Is this normal? Are these monitors fine or defected?

My Bx8a Deluxes do it too, I would associate it more with a less than stellar switching power supply that isn't filtered that well and makes its way to the speaker. Either way, its pretty normal for them to do that. Fairly annoying when you are in a quite room, but at least they don't have any white noise when you have the volume up all the way.
My Bx8a Deluxes do it too, I would associate it more with a less than stellar switching power supply that isn't filtered that well and makes its way to the speaker. Either way, its pretty normal for them to do that. Fairly annoying when you are in a quite room, but at least they don't have any white noise when you have the volume up all the way.

That's interesting to hear. I've read that other people have it too, but also that it means they're faulty (from M-Audion on their website).

Is it possible we both have dud pairs?
My Bx8a Deluxes do it too, I would associate it more with a less than stellar switching power supply that isn't filtered that well and makes its way to the speaker. Either way, its pretty normal for them to do that. Fairly annoying when you are in a quite room, but at least they don't have any white noise when you have the volume up all the way.

Completely OT but every time you post in a thread I have to scroll sideways because of your huge signature image (using a netbook). Been meaning to bring it up but always forgot. :)