Monitor hum...


Oct 24, 2007
Not really sure whats causing it?

I can always hear a small buzzing when i have my monitors(HS80M's) connected to my interface.

Think it could just be a ground problem. Could a hum-x help?
hum or hiss? Most monitors have some tweeter hiss, HS50 and HS80 have more than most I've heard.
What interface?
Balanced cables?
Everything connected to same power source?

I had some noise caused by some BIOS setting recently, CE5 or something.
My guess is you're running one of the new(er) intel processors. Probably an i5 or an i7 of some sorts. Maybe you've noticed that the humming/hissing noise goes away when your CPU is working relatively hard?

If this is the case, the solution is simple. The intel i3/5/7 series processors have a whole load of power-saving options in the BIOS related to CPU voltage. This is the cause of the noise. When the BIOS is actively varying your CPU voltage (specifically the voltage drops when it's not needed) you get all that horrible CPU noise translating through to your monitors due to internal bus miscommunication.

If you know what I'm talking about, go into your BIOS and disable the following options: Speedstep (EIST), the C-States (C1e, C3, C6), Core Parking, and Turbo Boost. If you're not too sure what all that means, I'd recommend doing some googling beforehand.

Hope this helps.
yeah i do have a new i7 950. ill check into those bios settings. and id say its more of a hum. i dont have internet on that computer so theres router or anything near it. i have everything plugged into a furman power conditioner.(M-8Dx) Ill try all your suggestions when i go to the studio later today!
i get some hum from my monitors when i'm using my interface, too. what's kind of odd is that i can make it stop if i move the cursor over an area that i can click on.
Are you running an iMac?

and it is with an iMac. i thought it was just that i needed better cables, but is the iMac also part of the problem?
A lot of the time hums are a ground issue. Try plugging your furman into another outlet and see if that helps. You can also buy one of these at a hardware store or online to test if your outlets are properly grounded
