Monitor pads/ separators :S


Orpheus: Melodic Death
Mar 9, 2008
Hey guys! Looking for those pads you put under monitors to decouple them from a desk etc???
What are they called and where can I get them from. Cheers.
Primacoustic Recoil Stabilizers. MoPads and their respective knock-offs are generally ineffective. I had them for years, they do virtually nothing of consequence compared to dedicated monitor stands. Had a pair of mopad knock-offs gathering dust here for some years. I think I just gave up and threw them in the trash in the end.

I've heard the Stabilizers are the only things that approach the effectiveness of stands for decoupling.
They have multiple layers of material. You have stuff that couples and also decouples. This whole issue is a slightly confusing one, because there is no sure-fire answer for everyone.

This may be beyond the scope of the thread but I'm bored so I'll delve into it...

Speaker cabinets function better when there is more mass. More mass means lower resonant frequency, less audible coloration, blah blah. So if you have monitors which are light, they are going to be prone to vibrating sympathetically with the cone, which will in turn cause physical comb filtering effects. What monitors like that need is to COUPLE to a large mass (such as a shot or sand-filled stand). Now the problem you get there is that you want to stop transmission of sound waves through solid surfaces as well, which coupling doesn't accomplish all too well (unless you have concrete floors, in which case you're beaut... just couple the monitors to em). So most of the time what you need when you have lighter monitors (like your Manns) is to both COUPLE to a heavy mass, and then make sure that mass is DECOUPLED from the floor, so that the transmissions won't reach you physically via the surface before they do through the air (because sound travels faster through solids than air).

To my knowledge the Recoil Stabilizers are the only monitor separators of their kind that both couple and decouple at the same time, which is what someone like you would need. If you were for instance to just use foam (which is what MoPads are... overpriced foam) you would only be decoupling (poorly) in which case you may even diminish the response of your monitors because you are lowering the cabinet mass.

So... chew on that one for a bit.
The Primacoustic stuff is ace. The main concept is mass, the Recoils are pretty heafty weight-wise, and that larger mass is actually what allows true decoupling to take place. When you hold the Recoils compared to mopads, you'll understand the difference.
Primacoustic Recoil Stabilizers. MoPads and their respective knock-offs are generally ineffective. I had them for years, they do virtually nothing of consequence compared to dedicated monitor stands. Had a pair of mopad knock-offs gathering dust here for some years. I think I just gave up and threw them in the trash in the end.

I've heard the Stabilizers are the only things that approach the effectiveness of stands for decoupling.

I wouldn't say they're inneffective, since it reduces alot of your desk's vibrations (hence sound), and, unlike what you said, they are not in any affecting in any significating way your monitor's response. I wouldn't as go as far as to say they're just usless plain foam...if they are, then a lot of acoustic treatment on the market is just overpriced foam too.
Primacoustic stuff is a lot less cheaper than the MoPad too, so if you're on a budget, I say get MoPad, but if you want to invest, then do it!

I'd say the best way to go is on a stand, if you can.
yeah and if you ever move your monitors, watch that the recoil stabilizer isn't stuck under and drops on your foot. OUCH! I won't do that a 3rd time.

Stands are essential. Some kind of decoupling is essential. Right now I have 2" high density fiberglass chunks under my monitors. That makes a difference but looks like ass. I'll be getting the Primacoustic ISOPlanes soon because they look better and are only $35 CDN. Additionally I'm going to snag a couple bricks from someone's yard to make my stands more stable.

Recoil stabilizers are very effective, makes cheap monitors perform better, and good monitors perform as they should. :D But expensive.
I never realize that Mopads are kinda expensive (60 bucks) i got them free along with an an MXL mic when i bought my desk from musiciansfriend :D
I remember seeing adverts in sound on sound for little cone type things that were meant to decouple your monitors from your stands/desk. Anyone had any experience with them?
I got my mopad a month ago, worst purchase ever.
did they work? yes, at some point, they did.
but for that amount of vibration reduction at this price, I gotta say Auralex MoPad are inferior overpriced.
the change is noticeable but it's very very very subtle.

thrown the MoPads away and got myself Primacoustic recoil stabilizer from the recommendation of this issue's Computer Music.
yeah, they are way more expensive than MoPads but these things perform way beyond what MoPads will do to you.

so, if you really need monitor separators buy these and stay away of Auralex's poor design.
or if you really on budget, buy some other MoPad clones, I bet they just perform the same and at least 1/2 cheaper
i got some mo'pads a while back when MF fucked up and gave them away free with purchase of a guitar strap

i have those sitting on some of those cheap on-stage monitor stands that everyone seems to have...and the mo'pads definitely help. i instantly noticed better imaging/separation, and much less clouding in the low end.

i still need to get around to filling the stand with sand sometime, though, because no matter what you do they're pretty light and a little wobbly!