Monitor pads/ separators :S

Interesting topic . After much deliberation between me, myself and I, the verdict is the stabilizers.after reading about the differences. They would definitely suit me to a T. Great stuff ermz. Once the album is paid for, I'll invest in these! Good times :)
I have 40 pound bricks under each of my Opals, and the rubber stand that comes with them on top of the bricks. There is practically zero vibration onto my desk, and the transient response is completely insane.

You could just get some thick sticky rubber as your recoil preventative and then get mass underneath and probably make something much more effective.
After a year I take the transient response of the Opals for granted. It's always funny going elsewhere and being like 'huh... what's wrong with the amps?'.

Just be mindful, Chris, that the Stabilizers are indeed a little costly, and you may actually get more benefit in your case to invest that in new monitors.