Monitor Placement


Dec 18, 2009
Im going to be getting some monitor stands but i have a few noob questions first

Do i want the monitors angled up towards my ears, straight on my ears, or above and pointed down to my ears?

and my other question is do i want the bottom speaker pointed at my ears, in between the bottom speaker and the tweeter pointing to my ears, or the tweeter pointing at my ears?
talking about this - are there any monitor stands that don´t suck and aren´t more than 100 bucks?! because I found out - no - there aren´t...
thanks ill check out the article and i was thinking about just making mine because i just have a home studio with nothing too legit yet, but my mixes tend to be a bit too dark and i think its cuz my monitor placement. theyre on my desk and the tweeters are about 8 inches below my ears so i think im just getting too much from the tweeter and not enough from the bottom speaker
30 degree triangle where the sound meets right behind your head.

I would think having the space between the woofer and the tweeter at ear level your best bet. My monitors are set horizontal right now and i put the tweeters on the outside with woofers on the inside.

check the latest issue of TAPE OP for a quick little guide.