monitoring epiphany


Jun 8, 2010
i currently monitor on adam a7's and i have been for about 3 years or so.

one of the studios i have access to has mounted field of adam s7a's and a pair of dynaudio bm15a's.

i do not own a sub in my personal workstation (at home) and i have minimal diffusion and room treatment (just the bare essentials). so you can imagine my difficulties with lower frequency response with regards to A/B translating. =\

so... as an early birthday present to myself, i purchased a pair of meyer hd-1's (which i have used in the past, and loved). they have a lower frequency response than the adam a7's but not as high as the a7's

the epiphany:

i usually monitor around 80dbspl +/- ...but ever since i bought the hd-1's i have been monitoring around 50dbspl +/- (sometimes even a lot lower) on both monitor sets (adam's and meyer's).

i know the obvious statement is ..."sure, lower monitoring will force you to listen for more detail." but for the last 6 years (or so) i have always monitored at a relatively higher level.

i cannot say enough about quieter monitoring and i feel like a new person. (cheesy, i know).

my mixes sound clearer and my perceived dynamic range seems higher and most importantly, my mixes are translating better than they did with the far field adam's at the studio! :eek: !!!(I KNOW)???

quiet near field monitoring ftw! :cool:
yea... my gain staging is fairly 'loud' too, only because i prefer a colorful source (on most occasions)... but i may change that method around too!

damn! it's like a light switch turned on! *binggg ...super clear, very precise!

I tend to have my setup kinda loud while tracking just because it tends to spur me on with recording and writing, which I tend to do at the same time. But when it really comes to mixing I tend to alternate between my usual volume and and very low volume. Simply because I know it sounds radically different so I need to get it to sound as good on both as possible, i find elements in the mix meld together better at higher volumes so mixing lower levels helps me to bare that in mind. The middle road if you like.

Then again, I almost never have serious mixes to do.