Monotheist reminds me of Jesu

i've never heard Jesu (or Godflesh :erk: need to fix both of these things) but this song is a LOT better than I expected after what most of you fucks said about the album. I want more!

on the topic of that setlist: son of a bitch!
Vinyl cover

Digipack inner sleeve:
Doom said:
I ordered Jesu - s/t because I like that track Silver from the new EP (only thing I've heard). Was that a good thing to do?

I know I'm really late on the Jesu bandwagon, but I'm listening to the s/t album now and it is phenomenal. Wow.

Just ordered the Heart Ache EP.

EDIT: Apart from Track 7, Man/Woman. It doesn't really fit with the rest of the album. Not so great that one.
i haven't heard a lot of jesu but there are obvious similarities to godflesh which is close enough

and also "totengott" is really similar to one of the tracks on sunn O)))'s latest album, which is interesting because these songs have probably been around longer

cool album, and yeah creepy as benmech said :rock:
Mormagil said:
judging by that setlist, i'm going to kick myself for the rest of my life if i don't see them this summer

fuck ticketmaster and fuck having class the day of the concert and i have no idea how i'm getting there yet but i have a ticket for the san francisco show :kickass: :kickass:
Monotheist has grown on me a lot ... and I was one of the people that thought it was not that great.

It still seems a bit forced, songwriting wise ... but it has a huge sound that I dig