Monsters of Rock festival w/classic 80s line-up




Was thinking it would be great if they got the Monsters of Rock festival going again with a special line-up of the classic rock bands from the '80s. A line up that included Saxon,Iron Maiden,Judas Priest, Black Sabbath, Motorhead,UFO,Def Leppard etc would be cool. And so the egos wouldnt take over ("we're bigger than them,we gotta be higher on the bill") Would be interesting if the had a lottery for the running order! :)
Hmm ,the thing dreams are made of i suppose.....

We are aiming to achieve this with the Bloodstock Festival - held this year with Saxon, Blaze, Glenn Hughes, Primal Fear etc.

Next years date is scheduled for 4th May 2002. Keep an eye on for further details.

Our goal is for Bloodstock at Donington in 2005/6! with some classic rock acts ........ Who knows!


Good luck Vince. Great to know theres someone out there with the vision & in a position to maybe achieve it one day!

I remember the first 2 M.O.R. well. Year 1 was the best. Saxon showed the way. One of the music press slated the band, I was furious and had to write in the boys defence. Much to my surprise the letter was published along side a photo of Biff looking into the crowd. Year 2 was spoiled by the morons who thought it fun to urinate into plastic bottles and throw the open bottles into the crowd. But if it could be done again, minus the morons it would be worthwhile!

Please please please DONT hold any events at Donnington, I know, I cant believe I said that either but I went to the rescheduled Rock and Blues festival held their this year (its normally held in the middle of no-where in Pentrich, Derbyshire) and was bitterly disappointed by the whole 'strictness' of everything, the security were up their own arse and seemed to go out of their way to make trouble for people, the beer was extortionate and tasted second hand, the whole layout of the thing looked as though it had been thought out on the back of a matchbox, it was dire, the whole Donnington experience is long gone my friends, red tape prevails nowadys and no matter how hard we try and kid ourselves it wont change, check out the rock and blues website guestbook and tell me that over two thousand entries all saying much as i have here are wrong, the place is a joke. Please dont hold anything at Donnington, pick somewhere else for metals sake.


Ah, but was the Rock n Blues thing organised by the same company as did the Mosters events at Donington ?
That would probably explain a few things.
Yeah, i know, i look back at Donington Monsters with "rose tinted spectacles" but, it really was THE EVENT for rock music worldwide.

Supposedly Ozzy is gonna have Ozzfest at Donington next year.