Montreal gets COB Headlining

I just noticed the Lamb of God tour added a date on the 15th of November in South Carolina. Unless COB skips that date or they fly from SC to Montreal, you can't bus it up in time for the following evening. I contacted BCI to see what they have to say. Anyone know anything?
I hope they'll manage a way to get through this situation,
I guess since the date in SC was added after all the tour was announced, and after COB decided to make a solo show in mtl, maby they can skipp the last shwo in SC and just get mentally prepare to give a kick ass performance in mtl !! (I wish ...)

As for the DVD !! IT WOULD Kick Ass !! All The Bands always like the crowd in Montreal, specially COB since it'S theyr fourth show in a year .... So if they would like good footage, It would be THE place to start !! since the Medley is also a great place for a metal band to play !!!

Can't wait another month (and more) to see you guys !!!
You Better prepare an incredible setlist for this show !!!
You're THE FUCKING BEST !!!!!!!!!!!!
This was the response from the metal concert agency BCI regarding COB's travel and tour plans after the 14th.

"Children of Bodom are doing shows on the days off of the tour, therefore I won't be surprised if it's Lamb of God alone that's going there. And if not, I assume Children has it all figured out since they confirmed Montreal from the beginning ;)"

so no worry's..they will be here on the 16th of November with a full setlist!!!!