COB better be 3rd or someone is gonna fucking die


Child Of Symphony
Nov 12, 2002
I would like to thank you Children Of Bodom for coming to America. This is my dream come true. I'm going to 3 of the shows, and busting my ass to get there. Please put on a hell of a show, for it will be a night to remember.

I am pretty sure that dimmu is headlining, but if COB doesn't play right before them, i'm gonna flip. COB kicks hypocrisy and nevermores asses. Can someone tell me what the order of bands will be?

And when the fuck will we know who the new guitarist is?! And I think that Alexi should run it by us (the fans) first, so that there will be no problems.

Nevermore kicks all kinds of ass and is the more well rounded band. I live in Seattle though and can see Nevermore all the time so I hope COB's setlist is longer since I've been waiting a long time to see them.
fridaY13th said:
i hear busted's shortest guitar player is the new guitarist of bodom

Ok. Here's the deal: I understand that you may have heard some rumors about the new CoB guitarist. BUT, I would appreciate it if you kept it to yourself. Or are you just so hungry for attention that you have to spread every rumor you hear? 'Cause you know, I've heard some rumors, too, and from RELIABLE sources, but I won't spread them until we get some official information. And that will happen this Saturday, since CoB is playing Moscow.

Then we will know who plays the second guitar and if he/she is a session guitarist for the rest of the tour or a permanent member.

So, if you could just keep your thoughts to yourself until some official information is given. Thank you.
Bodom blows Nevermore away. The way this silly country thinks Bodom probably won't play 3rd. Thats why I'm gonna go to 3 or 4 of the shows when they come just so I can try to get my Bodom fix. Maybe once people actually see them they will open their eyes a bit and Bodom can do a bigger tour sometime.
i need a cob avatar i know (they've surpassed nevermore as my favorite band)

but seriously, you gotta give nevermore some credit for being one of the few american metal bands that are seriously kicking ass.

and regardless of whos better or what order they play, when i first heard rumors of a cob/nevermore US tour i nearly wet my pants in anticipation. i'm going to see it at 2 stops, and its going to kick my ass.