3rd USA tour with Lamb Of God and Fear Factory confirmed!

COBSteele02 said:
I don't give a flying fuck who CoB plays with. I went to see them play with that shitty fake Dimmu band, I will go see them play with Fear Factory and whoever the hell the other band is. I am there for CoB man, fuck the rest.

Dimmu Borgir's earlier releases, For All Tid and Stormblast are pure Norwegian Black Metal. Although you probably don't know of those. Although I do admit, their newer stuff isn't great. And yes I'd love to see CoB, but I could do without the NuMetallers and Fake-Thrash Metallers.
According to Ticketmaster, the closest location to me would be Pittsburgh, which is a 5 hour fucking drive. So if no more places get scheduled, then i guess i will be without CoB. Come on, come to the Troc again, please just come closer!!! :(

edit: but according to Fear Factory and CoB's websites, dates have not been established yet. which still gives me hope :)

Sucks that they are the opening band, LoG kind of sucks, very overrated. I thought bodom was more popular then those assholes in america??
BeyondtheUnholyGrave said:
I'll be at the NY show to see Bodom and then i'll be leaving. I'll be wearing my Death Human album shirt as usual.

Do you know where in NY they will be playing? Because thats where i would go if they are playing, either their or Philly. Hopefully they will be playing in one of these locations. The show at the Troc was sold out, but CoB is only the opener to this show, so i guess it will all depend on the popularity of LoG and FF. I dont know what shirt i will be wearing, but i will be sure to tell you if im going to the NY show. Probably my BLS shirt or my SYL one :rock:

edit: o shit, double post. I forgot I even posted in this thread because im so pumped that they are touring again :) I only read the first page when i posted above and after i finished reading the whole thread i posted this one. :loco:
Hey Perfector im going to Norva also! Hell im going like 6 or 7 hours before the show starts so i can get in the front row :-D
i probably won't even go even if i can. i mean, the other bands aren't to great and they probably only get about 45 minutes. they also have been on 3 tours for the same album, and the set list a lot of the time is pretty much the same, they don't really ever play a unique song like hatebreeder, or red light in my eyes. maybe if they played unique stuff and tls it would be good, but otherwise its kinda dumb.
gregofbodom said:
fuck his girlfriend at the bodom show if you drummer doesnt come........thatll teach him

Haha that'd be fucking hilarious if it was in a movie... but something I probably wouldn't actually do. Even though I know her really well... probably better than this guy.

Hah man my one real Bodom Buddy is a senior, the drummer (who doesn't listen to enough COB) is a freshman, like me. Shes a total Metalhead / shroomer, and I'd deffenitely be going to the concert with her if COB came to Jaxx. Damn man I've got too many chick friends who just wanna be friends, those two are the ones that are more into metal / concert / stupid shit like getting really wasted.

I'm way off topic... sorry about that. Girls that listen to metal are awesome though, and my town / school has waaay to few of em. They're all older than me (mostly seniors).
Well, Squeak, I didn't move here...yet...but by the end of the year I shall be established. Why? i just love finland and the country, and the people here, mean the world to me. :D

But don't worry east coast peeps, we shall meet and drink again before the big move at one of these shows!
EternalMetal said:
LoG kind of sucks, very overrated. I thought bodom was more popular then those assholes in america??

That's what I always thought too...LoG plays in pretty small venues in Montreal. I'm sure CoB are more popular here.
are you people seriously scared of these "hardcore" lamb of god fans. All they do is run around and kick and punch air. I'm going to personally take one of them out (even if i get my ass kicked in the process) and dedicate to all you guys.
yeah i fucking hate moshpits man. ill be standing there trying to enjoy the music and ill be getting pushed or kicked or something from some mongoloid asshole who just wants to hear some "exreme" music or something. for sure the only part of metal that i dont enjoy.
i am sooooo excited:grin:
i will see a lot of you there hopefully.
@ bodomite: i will go early too, i want to be right in front near henkka :blush:...

-just make sure we all keep in touch before the show so we can all get up front! i dont know about throwdown, but i lamb of god is really fun to see live, and the wall of death is fun too...haha.
as for fear factory, the new cd was really good, their best i think. so i am excited to see them too.
But you know who the stars are for me, COB... if they weren't going to be there, i don't think I would be there, haha... i am there for them.