
^ Sadly, it differs from one to another. It's actually the worst Opeth show I've seen, but don't think it's about their performances. It's the damn crowd. I was just upset. People are so stupid sometime, and I think there was just too many people. Shit show. Enslaved were great, but I couldn't really appreciate Opeth. And I was disappointed with the setlist, pretty much the same they did when they came last year... I'm taking a break with the shows now, I'm just fucking tired of the people in Montreal. When I went to Quebec, everyone was totally respectful; no kids, no assholes, no damn junkies. Fuck Montreal.


*Fifth Opeth show.
*sigh* Alright. Hmm I came at the show near 15:00, you know, to get a fine place. We were four, actually, near the front of the door, almost firsts in the line-up. However, we had ordered our tickets with the pre-order stuff. Once the doors opened, we had to get in another line-up for our tickets, but they didn't find them! After a while (during that time, people were entering), they realized it was another kind of ticket, and that we should have told them about it (which we didn't know).

So there! We finally enter, and the front bar is already full of people. Without the tickets delay, we would have been right on it, damn. So whatever, we decide to go in the second row, near the middle of the scene. Alright, good, we have a nice view, but we already realize the guy in front of us is a pure asshole (there's two girls in front of me : my girlfriend and a friend, they are tiny heh, and the guy just refuses that my girlfriend puts her hand on the bar so she doesn't die. She had to tell him that she didn't want his place before he accepted. Ridiculous). Anyway, Enslaved arrives, I'm very happy, and their performance is just great. People don't know them so much, so they don't push or anything. I have some space to headbang. Enslaved is done, they leave, and people are already pushing to get to the front, because it's very important to see Mikael as big as possible, and to show him how much you love him. And then they arrive. I'm happy, but getting mad at the same time, because I'm just unable to move.

...and during a song, I think Ghost of Perdition, there's a fucking asshole (tall one) who just shows up, and pushes my friend (the other guy) away, and go behind my other friend (the girl one). I think she is traumatized. The guy just jumped on her, he put his arm totally on her head, and there was no way she could see anything, or that she could move. She almost suffocated. But that's not all. The guy is actually fucking excited, and is jacked when seeing Mikael Akerfeldt. He starts yelling... wow... stupid stuff :


I guess you get it. So she had his dick right in the back, and during that time, me and my friend are trying to push him away with our elbows. Near impossible, there's just no place. Finally, between two tracks, the girl managed to escape and just went away. To me, it was just unpleasant. I couldn't move, I was over-sweating, and I just couldn't enjoy the show this way, so I want upstair and watched the show from distance. It's less exceptional, but at least I could enjoy.

Hey that was a big useless story. Dot.
^ ow too bad for you Nasty-Fire !!! I hate those fuckers in gigs, although we don't have any hehe, but when Anathema came here a month ago (but they didn't play becoz ov someprob) everyone was ow Vincent is so cute and bla bla bla, and some chicks were wearing t shirts with "I *heart* anathema" on !! omg ! I just don't wish Opeth to come to Tunisia thus i won't feel the same way you did dude :p
I'm one of those douchebags at shows :)
once I arrived to an In Flames consert right after they started, and I fucked myself forward, and a few seconds later, I'd passed some 5000 people and were now standing in the front row, just in front of the scene, with no one in front of me.
that one sucked though, it's really boring to stand there and just try to hold your position, next time you'll find me in the mosh, breathing blood and sweat.
This was my first Opeth show, after 9 years of near-misses and regrets! Definitely a high point for me. I share Nasty-Fire's sentiments in that there were a lot of pushy assholes there, especially once Enslaved finished their set. I'm a short guy and have a hard time seeing over the crowd as it is, so it doesn't help when some overgrown kids want to stand in front of me and hold their cell phone camera in the air for the duration of the show. But it's ok. I saw Opeth, the setlist was great, they were on their game, and the border crossing was easy. All in all, a great night.
I'm pretty sure saw you and your girlfriend, deadlyseven. You were on your way out of the crowd early on and I must have bumped into her - she spilled a bit of her beer on me. :p No worries!
I agree with you on most of your points. I am rather tall and am always trying to be conscious of the people behind me so I could imagine that'd be a pain the ass.

As for the setlist it was great, at least for me, I've always wanted to see the Night and the Silent Water in person and I didn't realize Deliverance was their new encore. The energy in the beginning was great but then all those little kids just wanted to shove everything around them which got annoying.

Haha, she had a gin and tonic, so I hope that wasn't us, if so sorry! She had never been to a metal 'show' or whatever you wanna call them and was scared at all turns, she was exceptionally afraid of the 'moshes' as she put it.

BTW anyone pissed Axe didn't do a drum solo? :( I wanted a keyboard solo too. Luckily Fredrik is around to fulfill such needs.
Great show...I understand people who want to watch the show....but I'm a man who moshes...not all the time I watch too, but if you want to be up near the rail at at a metal concert you know the risks before going in....did you really think you were just gonna stand there with nothing? what is this Celine Dion? we fucking headbang, we mosh, my only problem is people throwing goddamn "Shaq" elbows, I understand you want your "personal space" but too damn bad we're all in a sweaty sold out venue....suck it up or get out....and finally to the chicks that stepped into the pit my hat goes off to you....that is all.

And yes, I thought for sure he was gonna hit up a drum solo....

And one final note Mikael.......Canadians are better hockey players.
I thought that beer smelled suspiciously like gin! :loco:
For me, the highlight was Godhead's Lament, followed by the whole Credence/Hessian Peel/Closure section. Very surprised at how good Credence sounded live, and I can't help but wonder how good some of the earlier stuff would sound with Mike's more fully-developed singing voice.
As to the soloing, I guess I wasn't surprised that Axe didn't do it. Fred's solo made up for it though. He's such a shredder, with all the right moves, as Mike made sure to point out. :lol:
*sigh* Alright. Hmm I came at the show near 15:00, you know, to get a fine place. We were four, actually, near the front of the door, almost firsts in the line-up. However, we had ordered our tickets with the pre-order stuff. Once the doors opened, we had to get in another line-up for our tickets, but they didn't find them! After a while (during that time, people were entering), they realized it was another kind of ticket, and that we should have told them about it (which we didn't know).

So there! We finally enter, and the front bar is already full of people. Without the tickets delay, we would have been right on it, damn. So whatever, we decide to go in the second row, near the middle of the scene. Alright, good, we have a nice view, but we already realize the guy in front of us is a pure asshole (there's two girls in front of me : my girlfriend and a friend, they are tiny heh, and the guy just refuses that my girlfriend puts her hand on the bar so she doesn't die. She had to tell him that she didn't want his place before he accepted. Ridiculous). Anyway, Enslaved arrives, I'm very happy, and their performance is just great. People don't know them so much, so they don't push or anything. I have some space to headbang. Enslaved is done, they leave, and people are already pushing to get to the front, because it's very important to see Mikael as big as possible, and to show him how much you love him. And then they arrive. I'm happy, but getting mad at the same time, because I'm just unable to move.

...and during a song, I think Ghost of Perdition, there's a fucking asshole (tall one) who just shows up, and pushes my friend (the other guy) away, and go behind my other friend (the girl one). I think she is traumatized. The guy just jumped on her, he put his arm totally on her head, and there was no way she could see anything, or that she could move. She almost suffocated. But that's not all. The guy is actually fucking excited, and is jacked when seeing Mikael Akerfeldt. He starts yelling... wow... stupid stuff :


I guess you get it. So she had his dick right in the back, and during that time, me and my friend are trying to push him away with our elbows. Near impossible, there's just no place. Finally, between two tracks, the girl managed to escape and just went away. To me, it was just unpleasant. I couldn't move, I was over-sweating, and I just couldn't enjoy the show this way, so I want upstair and watched the show from distance. It's less exceptional, but at least I could enjoy.

Hey that was a big useless story. Dot.

meh, its a metal show you have to expect retarded people like that, and know how to deal with them. there was a really tall gangster dressed black guy before opeth's set that showed up and decided to blast through making it even tighter and then just stop in front of me and my friends, then he started saying; "hey its a rock show! lets start the cheer! is this the bon jovi tribute band?" and shit like that, essentially when the music started (he was drunk, loud and stumbling) he got shoved into the pit. never saw him after that lol. also @ the guy who was yelling shit like MONTREAL etc. did he also yell "YEAH YOUR FIX" when mike talked about record stores?
That was my first Opeth show, I was standing and leaning on the far back, next to the sitting area.

It was hot and smelly, but that was kinda expected. I didn't bump into any assholes per say, people around me were respectful to each other.

Noticed that there was a girl that rushed through the crowd at one point during Opeth, bleeding from the nose it seems. One of my friend also told me that there was a pregnant girl sitting at the bar on the far right of the stage, and got knocked down from her chair, during either Lotus Eater or Deliverance. Her boyfriend was pretty pissed off, but I guess she should've followed rules 101.

That said, the show was just fucking amazing. Performances were tight as hell, sound was great, except for some solos which weren't loud enough. I think they messed up a little bit a keyboard segment during Ghost of Perdition, and I was kinda disappointed that they didn't do the piano segment at the end of The Leaper Affinity. Lotus Eater was probably the surprise of the night for me. I like the song, but seeing it live is a whole different thing.

I HATE when people are clapping during soft moments, people seem to do that in every Opeth show that I've seen, and the crowd is always so offbeat, it's ridiculous.

Other highlight was Mikael's Conan The Barbarian t-shirt :headbang:
At some point I was just closing my eyes and listening to the music, and noticed how it was tight, like you said. I think, for a second, I sincerily believed that I was listening to a CD.

@N-MAYH : Well, I was mainly upset because I had seen Kreator a month ago, and the exact same thing hapenned! You know... I was just pissed off. The only thing is that, yes, I do expect that kind of behavior in a metal show, totally. But I just remember other shows (last 2 Opeth shows, for example) where everyone was so damn more respectful (and obviously older). I feel like the new albums they released brought more stupid "fanboys" to the shows, like we love the say on this forum, and younger people.

Another point about the Montreal show (or the overall tour?). The T-Shirts were damn ugly and $$$.
actually that does make more sense... watershed got shown to a much wider audience so theres more chances for the younger disrespectful douchebags... also the merch really was retardedly expensive, wanted to buy the enslaved sweater but fuck paying $70 ffs. retardedly overpriced
^ Sadly, it differs from one to another. It's actually the worst Opeth show I've seen, but don't think it's about their performances. It's the damn crowd. I was just upset. People are so stupid sometime, and I think there was just too many people. Shit show. Enslaved were great, but I couldn't really appreciate Opeth. And I was disappointed with the setlist, pretty much the same they did when they came last year... I'm taking a break with the shows now, I'm just fucking tired of the people in Montreal. When I went to Quebec, everyone was totally respectful; no kids, no assholes, no damn junkies. Fuck Montreal.


*Fifth Opeth show.
I really just wanted to comment about the setlist... I saw them on in May 2008 at the Medley, and also in Quebec in September? 2008... and now once more at the Medley last Sunday... and as far as I remember, the only songs from the May 3rd 2009 show that I had seen live were Heir Apparent, Ghosts of Perdition and The Night and the Silent Water. All other songs were new... so to me the set list was INCREDIBLE. New live songs "Hesian Peel, Godhead's Lament, Creedance, Closure, Leper Affinity, and of course DELIVERANCE!!!"

I thought the band was tighter than ever... and Frederik had a microphone for the first time. During Godhead's Lament, Fred and Per were both doing back vocals while Mikael was singing! It was incredible!

I was sitting on the 2nd floor, front row to the right of the stage... PERFECT spot to watch Axe do his thing... and I didn't have to deal with any assholes... in fact, didn't see any assholes at all (not to say there weren't any there).

3rd time seeing Opeth in a year, and this was BY FAR my favorite Opeth show. The band is tighter than ever... and they seemed to have a genuine good time on stage. Kinda wish Axe would have given us a drum solo, but at least Frederik stepped up to the plate and delivered. Too bad we have to wait 3 years to see them again, but if it's to work on a new album, it's totally worth the wait.
At some point I was just closing my eyes and listening to the music, and noticed how it was tight, like you said. I think, for a second, I sincerily believed that I was listening to a CD.

@N-MAYH : Well, I was mainly upset because I had seen Kreator a month ago, and the exact same thing hapenned! You know... I was just pissed off. The only thing is that, yes, I do expect that kind of behavior in a metal show, totally. But I just remember other shows (last 2 Opeth shows, for example) where everyone was so damn more respectful (and obviously older). I feel like the new albums they released brought more stupid "fanboys" to the shows, like we love the say on this forum, and younger people.

Another point about the Montreal show (or the overall tour?). The T-Shirts were damn ugly and $$$.

I take offense to this...I don't know what you consider "young" but I am 20 and it seemed like a pretty respectable show to me.......some moshing lot's of chilling, lot's of headbanging:headbang:.....I don't know man, great show if you ask me, but I guess your circumstances were a little different then my own. Anyways moving on I think the setlist was incredible good mix of songs, nice jamming, and as other's have already said "tight".

And about the merch...I walked in took one look for about 15 seconds and turned away in disgust.... Ridiculously overpriced.

If you got to see Porcupine Tree in september(depending on if you like them or not) I'm sure that will be a more "respectable" crowd.
I really just wanted to comment about the setlist... I saw them on in May 2008 at the Medley, and also in Quebec in September? 2008... and now once more at the Medley last Sunday... and as far as I remember, the only songs from the May 3rd 2009 show that I had seen live were Heir Apparent, Ghosts of Perdition and The Night and the Silent Water. All other songs were new... so to me the set list was INCREDIBLE. New live songs "Hesian Peel, Godhead's Lament, Creedance, Closure, Leper Affinity, and of course DELIVERANCE!!!"

I though they played deliverance in may
^ In fact, they played Deliverance in Quebec City and Wreath in Montreal. Two bests shows ever.

I take offense to this...I don't know what you consider "young" but I am 20 and it seemed like a pretty respectable show to me

Don't take any offense on it. I don't get what you mean anyway, and why you are offended. That seems absurd to me right now.

I saw them on in May 2008 at the Medley, and also in Quebec in September? 2008...
I saw them in Quebec, it was in mid-October. Great show. They played pretty much the same thing that in Montreal, some different. Deliverance has been played, for example. But I guess I'm complaining only because they play few songs (due to their length). Or maybe I just need an Opeth-break.

and I didn't have to deal with any assholes... in fact, didn't see any assholes at all (not to say there weren't any there).
You were on the second floor... ¬¬ which explains everything.

Too bad we have to wait 3 years to see them again, but if it's to work on a new album, it's totally worth the wait.

I'm hoping for less, since he said "we'll see".

Note : my posts-counter is currently "1334". 3 more posts and it's my birthday.
Well, with the amount of drinking I've been doing at Opeth's shows... I don't remember each setlist exactly... but I KNOW I heard a lot of NEW live tunes this Sunday... and 3 of my friends were with me for all 3 shows and we all LOVED the new setlist. I'm not trying to argue... I just wanted to share positive thoughts about this AMAZING concert, because the thread is very negative. The songs are very long, so I understand why they would play only 9 songs (just like the Roundhouse DVD). Still a good amount of music, considering. I don't think it's fair to the band to come on their official forum and bitch about the crowd, instead of congratulating the band on a perfect performance.