
Old Fart
Jul 24, 2001
The Woodlands
So I went through Moonsorrow's five CDs today. I like this band. Suden Uni is a really good one, but Voimasta still owns the rest of the catalogue.

Kivenkantaja was actually a lot better than I remember. I'll be coming back to that one in the future.

Tama Iukinen Talvi is alright, I guess. It's not bad, but I prefer the bombastic stuff from them.

I still don't know what to think of Verisakeet. Over indulgence and excess does not make this band better. Leave that shit to Bal Sagoth.

Also listened to all Ensiferum and all Finntroll.

Best Ensiferum - the debut
Best Finntroll - Jaktens Tid
As the resident Moonsorrow/Vintersorg fanboy, I approve of this thread.

1) Kivenkantaja
2) Suden-Uni
3) Verisakeet
4) Voimasta ja Kunniasta

The demo re-release is absolutely fantastic, but I do not group it with the full-lengths due to the fact that it really is a demo.
Probably, yeah. I guess it depends on what you consider "Viking", though. I've had a hard differentiating between what's considered viking, pagan, heathen, war metal, celtic, and folk. Sometimes they just run together.

If Graveland is considered "viking" Darken wins hands down, but I think he's considered "Pagan/Heathen" metal. Though the lyrics, imagery and music itself all reek of vikingness. I'm confused.

It still seems everyone has forgotten about Thyrfing.
Well, I can't sleep- but I listened to Kiventantaja while I was trying to sleep, and I think it has finally reached the 10/10 status.

*golf clap*
You know what else is fun? Listening to your En Their Medh Riki Fara... picture LP while reading Moby-Dick and eating Cheezits. :kickass:
I'm not sure about the rankings, Verisakeet is their magnum opus but I have to be in the right mood to absorb four straight gigantic slabs of Vikingness, Suden Uni is arguably their least accomplished musically (demo included), but the most addictive. I'll settle on Kivenkantaja, but the latest overtakes it whenever I'm actually on a Moonsorrow kick.
Yeah, with all things considered, Kivenkentaja is their "magnum opus" without doubt, simply because it stopped me dead in my tracks on first listen. Since then it's grown like a snowbeast, and with all honesty, Verisakeet is like a slightly refined, lengthier version. Now that I've had it a while, my problem with it is that it might be 'too much of a good thing'. With that said, in the right season, at the right time of day, in peace and quiet, dim is mammoth.

Voimasta is good for what it is -- nothing magnificent -- just pretty much Thyrfing/Einherjer/Mithotyn territory, but possibly better. Thing is, I find it easier to just thrown this on and let it spin. Doesn't make it better though, just more accessible.

Good band overall.

I don't know what the difference is between viking/folk/pagan/heathen metal is, and neither do I give two shits. All I know is that fans of one will like the other.
Since Heathen Crusade, I've grown to love "Sankarihauta" (track#2 on Voimasta). I have to say, that song was easily one of the highlights of HC and it just seems like a good time of the year to be listening to this album.

By the way, for those not into epic Moonsorrow, don't hold your breath for the new one. I remember the guitarist telling us at HC that they've already written a 24 minute track for the new album.

By the way, Moonsorrow apparently do not rehearse. I just can't believe it with some of their tracks clocking in at 15 minutes, but that's what they say.
Erik said:
i know another band that's close to finishing a 24 minute song


I know that band too and have heard, that the otherside of the split is already done. o_O