Morbid Angel - Domination is the greatest death metal album EVER.


What A Horrible Night To Have A Curse
Jun 5, 2002
Kandarian Ruins
So give me something that tops it that I don't already own. :loco:

And read my review if you haven't. [/shameless plug]
Hey hey, you know I already own those. :Spin:

I'm looking for some teeth-kicking death metal man, Mithras and Vital Remains definitely satisfied me last year, I'm trying to find albums I missed along the years, or something new, chock full of ass kickery.
Don't tell me you've never heard Godflesh! I realize this has nothing to do with this random thread, but you will cause me to miss lots of sleep until I know you've heard tons of Godflesh.
Godflesh is indeed good, but you must get the right albums by them. Some are OK, some suck, and some just bring da house down.

Early Aeternus>any Morbid Angel

But I'm one of the few that was incredbly underwhelmed by MA.
Alright well what Godflesh do I get then, I've been intrigued by that one with the ivory looking Jebus on the cover for some years now.

I'll wait on Aeternus for a bit, since I know you and I don't agree on Morbid Angel. :tickled:
NAD said:
Alright well what Godflesh do I get then, I've been intrigued by that one with the ivory looking Jebus on the cover for some years now.
Just get Streetcleaner, Slavestate, and Pure. If you like those, try some more, but those are the best IMO.

I'll wait on Aeternus for a bit, since I know you and I don't agree on Morbid Angel. :tickled:
I'm sure Jay will chime in with his thoughts on just how brilliant early Aeternus is.
Not from me you won't, so long as you're calling Morbid Angel the best death metal band ever. :)
My goat NAD, considering your love for epic, atmospheric, progressive, Scott Burns up the wazoo type Death Metal, you MUST get Testimony of the Ancients by PESTILENCE. This could be the greatest death metal album, ever. See review.

I would also recommend And so the Night became by AETERNUS. See review.

Note that I'm biased towards all thing big, epic, and scary sounding. However, if you want 'straight up' death metal, man it's gotta be Individual Thought Patterns by DEATH. The guitar solo contrasts between Chuck (angry, spiteful) and Andy LaRocque (melodic, KING DIAMOND'ish!!) are perfect. Reminds me a little of Mustaine and Friedman on Rust in Peace. But then, you own it so you know this already... :)
Ooooooh you're preaching to the choir with Individual Thought Patterns my friend, I have that and LOVE it. ;)

Don't you owe me your extra copy of that Pestilence album?! :lol:

Alright, two votes for Aeternus, and a review I probably read months ago and have long forgotten. I'm on it.
NAD said:
Don't you owe me your extra copy of that Pestilence album?! :lol:
Eek! It would have been my spare copy if people hadn't so vehemently cursed the double album re-releases by Roadrunner. So I figured I'd just keep the original and hunt down the other Pestilence album that I need at a later date.

Hey, how about a CD-R? :tickled: I owe you a bunch of CD-Rs right?
Dreamlord speaks the truth with the Godflesh albums to get; however, I don't know that Godflesh has ever had a bad album. 'Us and Them' is totally whack, but still good in its own way.

Get 'Streetcleaner' and 'Pure' for early and HIGHLY influential Godflesh, and get 'Selfless' and/or 'Songs of Love and Hate' for their more modern stuff. Or just get that compilation CD you've had your eye on. Either way Godflesh is just as important as bands like Morbid Angel, Death, and so on. You need Godflesh like you need a porn star to ride your dick now that you're single.
I thought Selfless was horrible. They dropped the goods to go for a more ambient sounding album. The selftitled is real good. Hymns isn't bad.
Selfless was/is brilliant, in fact I was getting ready to post on the Fucked Universe '94 thread, and it is definitely one of those....

But they are a great and important band.

However, that being said....

Domination is in no way the greatest. As 'Gugs pointed out, the first two, not to mention Covenant and Formulas are all better than that release.

As far as other bands....

PESTILENCE "Consuming Impulse" (rivalling Altars.. at the time)

DISINCARNATE "Dreams Of The Carrion Kind"

but i have a sick, but in a good way, feeling that SUFFOCATION's "Souls To Decay" cd in May is going to annihilate everyone.

Do you have any Suffocation?

IMMOLATION's last three releases....