Morbid Angel - Domination is the greatest death metal album EVER.

I personally haven't heard any of the new SUffocation, but early reports are mixed. I am looking forward to it, though. Some negative things being said are that the vocals sound "tried", "weak", "bored". And the fact that this is 2004, and brutal death has been beaten into the ground, so what can SUffocation bring to the table that hasn't already been done. But like I said, I'm loking forward to it.

I thought Selfless was a bore, as was the followup EP, Merciless. In fact, to me, those are the only Godflesh releases not worth owning.FOr me, they were much more interesting in the early years (s/t, Streetcleaner, Slavestate...)
NAD said:
No, but YES I need some of this.

Get Pierced From Within and Despise The Sun EP first. Then get Effigy Of The Forgotten. Breeding The Spawn is horrendously produced...

But, regardless of what the "reports" that "J." has heard, those who call Mullen's vocals "tried, weak, bored" are probably just pussy, pantywaist posers. :Smug:

Flame on.

Brutal death metal has not been beaten to the ground, it's just as relevant today as it was yesterday, and the day before that. What they bring to the table is that they are one of the best damned bands to ever have done it in the genre.
Oh, I agree. I can't wait to hear this new one. I hope it's similar to Effigy, which is the one I play most.
Alright this thread will serve as a big haul later this month, after April 15th when I find out how much money I owe da man. Thanks all. :)
NAD said:
Alright well what Godflesh do I get then, I've been intrigued by that one with the ivory looking Jebus on the cover for some years now.

I'll wait on Aeternus for a bit, since I know you and I don't agree on Morbid Angel. :tickled:
No, this is a rare case where J. is right. Aeternus r00lz.
Erik said:
The best death metal album ever is "The Red in the Sky is Ours," end of discussion, thread closed.
While it IS a great album, you're wrong. :)

Every single Death album is better, just in case you had forgotten. Now tell me what you thought of my Testament recording, jerky.
This is my shopping list for next week/month/hour whenever I order:

Aeternus - ...And so the Night Became
Godflesh - Streetcleaner
Suffocation - Pierced from Within
Pestilence - Testimony of the Ancients (think I'm just going to buy this, unless the CD-R shows up first :) )

Already have TRITSIO Erik, and yes it's damn good, but I still prefer Terminal Spirit Disease. :)
Aeternus - ...And So The Night Became, Beyond The Wandering Moon
Lykathea Aflame - Elvenefris
The Chasm - Deathcult For Eternity: The Triumph, Conjuration Of The Espectral Empire
Demilich - Nespithe
Suffocation - Pierced From Within
Pestilence - Testimony Of The Ancients

All of those albums are infinitely better than Domination, in my opinion of course.
NAD said:
Aeternus - ...And so the Night Became
Suffocation - Pierced from Within
Pestilence - Testimony of the Ancients (think I'm just going to buy this, unless the CD-R shows up first :) )
If you like, I can make you CD-R's of all the above. Whatever you prefer man. Personally I think a CD-R is cool if you want to experiment with something new, whereas I guaran-damn-tee that you will jizz all over these three when you hear them, so they are indeed worth buying. They're all bonafide classics.

If you do buy, get your Aeternus from Martyr Music btw. They're cheap, and you might even end up with a signed copy. Also, keep an ear out for one of the greatest songs of all time: "Warrior of the Crescent Moon". That will make you jizz again.
I think I'll just buy them since I'm on a big death kick right now. Plus I have about 15 CD-Rs that I haven't gotten around to from various people (In the Woods, Nick Cave, Swans, etc. :erk: ). Thanks man.

Cool, will do. I hope my balls can keep up. :Spin:
If you like abominations of desolation, you should definetly pick up Altars of madness. I cant decide whether that or domination is my favorite MA album.

Erik said:
The best death metal album ever is "The Red in the Sky is Ours," end of discussion, thread closed
If you're after crazy speed frenzy bleeaaaarrgggh Morbid Angel than Altars is a must, and probably Formulas Fatal to the Flesh as well.
Erik said:
* Cynic "Focus" (OK so it has "Veil of Maya" but more death metal plz?)
It's funny how people often think that 'rare hard to find item = brilliant music that nobody else knows about'. In reality, it's a pretty boring album. How often does anyone truly listen to it? I don't understand what purpose it serves. If I want to listen to death metal, this is not the first album that comes to mind.

* Death "Individual Thought Patterns"
Straight up death metal done perfectly. Really, Andy LaRocque only made things better the day they recorded that one.

* Morbid Angel "Blessed are the Sick" (Too slow. "Abominations of Desolation" is pretty great though, I should get "Altars of Madness" as the early-early stuff seems much grimmer)
Listening to Altars is like descending into madness. You see, that's an album that serves a purpose. It makes a point.

* Pestilence "Testimony of the Ancients"
OK, so maybe you are clueless and retarded. :tickled: But really, what didn't you like about this one?
Erik said:
The only Death album I have is "Individual Thought Patterns" and it's hardly better than anything At the Gates have ever released.
Nothing Death did beats AtG. Human, Symbolic, and the first two are good, but hardly genre-defining.

Heh. Shit, I might as well be controversial (read: clueless) as fuck; I don't hear much that's worthy of SUPAR HIGH PRAISE about the following albums that I own that are regularly being semen-covered by others:

* Cynic "Focus" (OK so it has "Veil of Maya" but more death metal plz?)
* Death "Individual Thought Patterns"
* Morbid Angel "Blessed are the Sick" (Too slow. "Abominations of Desolation" is pretty great though, I should get "Altars of Madness" as the early-early stuff seems much grimmer)
* Pestilence "Testimony of the Ancients"

Now you may begin calling me clueless and retarded.
I've heard all those except the Pestilence album, and I guess I'm clueless and retarded as well. Cynic is boring as all hell. Why people constsntly jizz over this album is beyond me. OK, so it's technical, give me something else. And do I need to mention the vocals?

Death and Morbid Angel just never did anything for me.
Erik said:
What I've heard of Aeternus rules but I'd hesitate to just slap the "death metal" sticker on them.
THey call themselves Dark Metal, and I can understand the term, but t's just easier to call the, death metal. After And So the Night Became, they did head towards becoming a straight up death metal band. Shadows of Old is brutal death. The "dark" elements started comng back with the recent one.
Erik said:
What I've heard of Aeternus rules but I'd hesitate to just slap the "death metal" sticker on them.
Their last 2-3 albums have pretty much been brutal death with a dark twist. They began much closer to melodic black metal though.

As for you not OWNING or HAVING HEARD 5 of the 6 great Death albums, what in hell's wrong with you man?! Just go get Human right fucking now.
Nothing Death did beats AtG. Human, Symbolic, and the first two are good, but hardly genre-defining.

huh ... the first two pretty much CREATED the genre !!!