Morbid Angel - Domination is the greatest death metal album EVER.

Doomcifer said:
Lykathea Aflame's Elvenfris is my favorite brutal death metal album evAR.
Yeah, the more I listen to it, the more I like it, but it just seems a little too long to me. Have you heard the album these guys released before they became Lykathea Aflame?

ANd I wouldn't call Suffocation "epic" in any way. Immolation is more epic than Suffo, but I do not get an "epic" vibe when I listen to either of them.
J. said:
Yeah, the more I listen to it, the more I like it, but it just seems a little too long to me. Have you heard the album these guys released before they became Lykathea Aflame?
It's more unrelenting and much shorter (only 34 minutes long). A little bit more traditional I would say. Knowing you, I think you would like the Appalling Spawn album a bit more.
The only Vital Remains album I have other than Dechristianize is Dawn of the Apocalypse. It's not quite the monster, but is still an excellent album.

Even though you don't like Zos Kia Cultus you might still give Behemoth's Demigod a chance. I think it's a better album.

Then again, I love that The Chasm album which does nothing for you.
Nah, Suffo's not epic, but he mentioned something about getting some Suffo stuff with a giftcard.

I dislike Lykathea Aflame's "Elvenfris" quite a lot, sure it's original, but way to happy and goofy sounding. DM for pansies :p (Cue "Should suit you fine, then" replies)

pffft, I like Demilich which makes all those bands you listed look like Michael Jackson - The White Man Years.

But yeah, NADster should like Close to a World Below. I'd go with Immolation before Suffo
Ultimate_Symphony said:
It's more unrelenting and much shorter (only 34 minutes long). A little bit more traditional I would say. Knowing you, I think you would like the Appalling Spawn album a bit more.

That's what I have gathered as well. I still need to give them more listens though when I am in the DM mood.

Henrik, Elvenfris for pansies? pffft. That shit is fucking brutal. Because it has the underlying melody?
and I'm surprised NAD didn't like Zos Kia Cultus since it's basically Morbid ANgel with a few Nile-isms throw in. But it is totally void of any originality. I still say their best was Satanica, but the band doesn't do much for me.

BTW, I've been thinking of picking up Mithras....finally. Does everyone still like it? What I mean s, does it have staying power? Or did you tire of it in a few months?
J. said:
pffft, I like Demilich which makes all those bands you listed look like Michael Jackson - The White Man Years.

Listen to Sepsism and Liturgy, and then tell me the same thing ;) Demilich's pretty cool, granted, but far from being über-brutal or anything.
I think the "heard it all before" factor explains why I didn't like Zos Kia Cultus, but okay, I won't completely write-off Behemoth. Oh that reminds me of groups everyone-likes-except-me, I gave a third Emperor album a try last night (Anthems), *BZZT* to suckage. :tickled:

Concerning Suffo yeah I know they aren't epic, but they have that thick sound I want a piece of right now. Straightforward no-frills death metal either rocks my socks or bores me to tears, which is why I'm picky with groups like that. Does Decapitated compare to Suffocation? I've never heard them.
J. said:
BTW, I've been thinking of picking up Mithras....finally. Does everyone still like it? What I mean s, does it have staying power? Or did you tire of it in a few months?
Yes, yes, and no. I still give it regular spins and highly enjoy it. While they don't really sound the same, they give me a vibe similar to that of Scald.

I have one Hate Eternal, just listened to it last night. Fuck me is that album exhausting, but it's fun to listen to while driving. :D
One Inch Man said:
Yes, yes, and no. I still give it regular spins and highly enjoy it. While they don't really sound the same, they give me a vibe similar to that of Scald.
Agreed. Those Mithras' solos are orgasmic.
My opinions:

Cryptopsy - The little I've heard is OK, but I'm not into the techncial side of things. Usually an increase in technicality means a decrease in real feeling.

Anata - I'm curious about this one.

Asphyx - omg The Rack and self-titled is ruliness. ANd Feeding on Angels (which these guys released under the name SOulburn) is tasty death.

Blood Red Throne - :yuk: :yuk: :yuk: :yuk:

Hate Eternal - Saw these guys live and they blew. Could be a different story on CD.

Immolation - Not my fave, but good at what they do.

Gorguts - only heard Obscura. Again, the technicality vs feeling thing.

Here are some more:

early Amorphis - Karelan Isthmus, Tales from the Thousand Lakes
Bolt Thrower - For Victory
Pan Thy Monium - Dawn of Dreams...NAD, you will like this
Bolt Thrower and early Amorphis I heard about 10 years ago, thought they both blew and I was into anything heavy/crazy back then. Might be worth a second look, but I'm about a million times pickier now.

Anata is alright, I have a CD-R of their latest and if I give it another spin I may have to pick that one up. Reminded me of Unmoored but with a Cannibal Corpse influence.

Pan Thy Monium, I keep hearing that name. Is that another Swanö project?
J. said:
My opinions:

Cryptopsy - The little I've heard is OK, but I'm not into the techncial side of things. Usually an increase in technicality means a decrease in real feeling.
You should check out "Blasphemy Made Flesh" and "None so Vile." Less technical, with more of a brutal and sinister approach . Those are my favorite Cryptopsy while I still think all their albums have good material on them.
I have high hopes that LW will bring back the feeling of the first two. I know he did some writing on the first two, and some of the songs off of Whisper Supremacy.
Well, PTM gets pegged as a Swano project, when it is actually an Edge of Sanity project with a different vocalist. Swano is just a guitarist/keyboardst I believe. The vocals are pure gutteral and the riffs are all low as hell and bass heavy. There s also a crazy saxophonist that comes in at random times. Totally different and original with songs that sometimes reach 20 minutes.
Doomcifer said:

how about these:

Cryptopsy - Blasphemy Made Flesh is one of my three favourite DM albums of all time. None So Vile is not far behind. And Then You'll Beg and Whisper Supremacy are too technical and not THAT good, I think, and DiSalvo's vocals sucks.

Neuraxis - Pretty good, but I haven't listened too much to the 3CD set yet.

Anata - Not a fan of these guys.

Asphyx - Never heard.

Blood Red Throne - Absolutely killer, I'm a sucker for groovy, brutal riffs, and these guys sure deliver the goods.

Hate Eternal - See Blood Red Throne

Immolation - I love the dark, morbid and brutal soundscapes they create. Incredible band.

Psycroptic - "The Isle Of Disenchantment" had a couple of real gems ("Carnival Of Vulgarity" and "Condemned By Discontent"), but "The Scepter Of The Ancients" pretty much blew, imho.

Visceral Bleeding - Very decent brutal DM band, makes for a fun listen.

Gorguts - Nah.