Morbid Angel - Domination is the greatest death metal album EVER.

Also, The Chasm. I know many of you can't handle the mastery and expertise they display, but they rule. Long epic songs about Metal of Death and shit, with icy melodies reminiscent of old Dssection. Very thrashy too.
The Chasm and Behemoth are both craptastic, in that when I heard them I shit myself because my body was trying to recreate their poopdom just to cope with the aural displeasure I was receiving.

I have And So the Night Became, guess I should get that Wandering Moon one too? I'm curious about their death metal stuff, but haven't heard a single kind word about it from various sources.

Sold on Melechesh and Suffocation, will look into Immolation. Oh and Incantation. I heard them years ago, I think. Or maybe just that Anal Cunt song.
One Inch Man said:
The Chasm and Behemoth are both craptastic, in that when I heard them I shit myself because my body was trying to recreate their poopdom just to cope with the aural displeasure I was receiving.

Thumbs down for the Behemoth dissing.
I'm just trying to be creative toward bands I don't like. :) I had Dos Kias Cultas Thingas and I never made it past the 3rd track on several attempts. Hooray for selling it a dollar less than I bought it for.
One Inch Man said:
I have And So the Night Became, guess I should get that Wandering Moon one too? I'm curious about their death metal stuff, but haven't heard a single kind word about it from various sources.
Definitively check Beyond The Wandering Moon, classic album. Their death metal stuff is better than a lot of death metal shit that's around right now, but it pales in comparinson to their early stuff. Check Ascension Of Terror or A Darker Monument to get a glimpse of their death metal era.

For Epic, brutal and melodic death metal check:

Lykathea Aflame - Elvenefris (brutal death metal with that eastern flavor that you're looking for)
Appalling Spawn - Freedom, Hope And Fury (former incarnation of Lykathea)
Miasma - Changes (old school death metal ala early Therion and Demigod with epic songs and strong songwritting)
Piece Of Time was quite good! Best Death Metal Album Ever:?? I'm still debating myself but defintely not Morbid Angel IMHO; I prefer Stuff from Malevolent Creation or as someone else stated several Death CD's (Spiritual Healing, Human) rank above to me. Alters Of Madness was very good when released. Lots of folks diggin the Cynic - i saw these guys in South Florida a lot and I was disappointed with the CD; not as hard as any of the demo tapes or live performaces.
Yeah Cynic are pretty cool, but I don't consider them death metal really. More like prog w/ death influences (and influencing Death heyyyy...).

Tried to research Lykathea Aflame last night but couldn't find much info. Is their stuff hard to get ahold of? What I did read definitely sounded like my thing.
One Inch Man said:
Yeah Cynic are pretty cool, but I don't consider them death metal really. More like prog w/ death influences (and influencing Death heyyyy...).

Tried to research Lykathea Aflame last night but couldn't find much info. Is their stuff hard to get ahold of? What I did read definitely sounded like my thing.
They are still pretty underground, but not really. Check out metal archives (if you haven't already) for more info. I got my copy of the album from, but last time I checked I think it was out of stock. Check out if you don't find it there.

Btw I wrote a review for HMAS (the webzine I was in) but I think all that shit got lost when the re-designed the site completely, i'll see if I can find it.
One Inch Man said:
This is my shopping list for next week/month/hour whenever I order:

Aeternus - ...And so the Night Became
Godflesh - Streetcleaner
Suffocation - Pierced from Within
Pestilence - Testimony of the Ancients (think I'm just going to buy this, unless the CD-R shows up first :) )

Already have TRITSIO Erik, and yes it's damn good, but I still prefer Terminal Spirit Disease. :)

I'll agree on the high degree of ass kickery on those Pestilence and Suffocation albums, and that Pestilence is especially great. Can't go wrong w/ Streetcleaner either. I've not heard Aeternus. The new Suffocation is a very solid release. Production isn't that great, and it's not their best work, but still worth buying.
Yeah, Lykathea Aflame is a good choice.

Boo for hatred towards The Chasm, since they are quite easily one of America's best death metal bands. PJ knows what I be talkin' 'bout.

Cynic sucks.
This here The Chasm isn't as bad as I remember them, but it's not entirely removed from melodeth. It's not crappy derivative style, but it's still in the same category of bands like Vehemence, Arsis, Arghoslut, etc. Conclusion = no thanks.

How does Into Cold Darkness (or any other Vital Remains for that matter) compare to Dechristianize? I have that and like it a lot, but don't really need more of the same. I'm not into collecting a band's entire discography anymore, unless I go completely gaga over them on a daily basis for months on end.

I will seek out Lykathea Aflame and I need to pick up Testimony of the Ancients because I enjoyed the piss out of the CD-R Señor Keeley sent me.