Morbid Angel enter studio

It's going to be a very very strange album, considering where MA have gone musically since vincent left, trey's apparent hardcore techno influence, and yeung's drumming.

top that off with the weird production team, it's gonna get strange
The production for heretic was intentional actually, so it seems that it's not that "Punchy" shapes tones that way or that that's "his sound" all the time but that he tracked and mixed tones in such a way to serve the vision for Heretic. The purpose of Heretic's production was to go against the grain of trending mixes. The layout, the extra and hidden tracks, the unorthodox order, and of course the production were supposed to be a reflection of the title and idea of a heretic; breaking paradigms. Trey said it himself that the point of the record didn't come across to a lot of people.
I know, I completely understand what trey was trying to do.
It just seems that he is looking at getting a similar tone, as he is doing it with the same guy.
The once was enough for me.
Yes it did.
I definitely appreciate trey being one of the only people to actually do something radically different, instead of just complaining about everyone sounding the same
But I wouldn't want the new one to sound like it did.
the above post is why i dislike david vincent
trey azagoth - radically different

hole in one

avant-garde guitar solos that sound like two people jumping off a waterfall, fucking on the way down and simultaneously drowning on the way down, YES
heretic sounded pretty cool guys.. :(

Yea I really didn't have too much of a problem with the sound. I acknowledge it's very unconventional but I also get what he was going for. So it works for that purpose.

By the way GarethSE, check out my latest video about Morbid Angel!

I have a few other ones like that too that demonstrate Trey's radically different mind :rock:
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"I" is 100% Done. Only mixing remains and Sean Beavan will Dominate!!!!

Was posted on their facebook page, I is worried.....Sean Beavan? I thought Rutan was doing it?!

this stinks of vincent :(
I dunno man, could work for them. Morbid Angel with an Industrial edge............... sounds interesting to me. Morbid Angel have always been innovators.
I don't think Domination is industrial sounding, in an interview I saw with Trey he said it was the only album that they recorded to a click and for that reason he felt the album lacked flow/dynamics. Maybe that's why it has a more mechanical(?) feel to it. Domination is very mid-paced alright, have a feeling this could be a similar affair. Still looking forward to it though.
I don't see how Domination was an indus sounding album (except for the fact that they added a lot of interludes, bht that was on the following albums as well)... To me it was just more straight forward and less fucked-up than the rest of their albums, and they succeeded at it big time.