Morbid Angel - Illud Divinum Insanus new album discussion.

I don't really understand all the backlash. Take Formulas Fatal to the Flesh - there are about five "ambient" tracks on there. They call it ambient, I call it fucking shitty noises. And much of the "proper" material on that album was very weak too.
There was no backlash then.
Heretic too was instantly forgettable.

It seems the only reason there is uproar over this is because the "experimental" or "ambient" bullshit MA have always been interested in has leaked over into the "proper" songs. But there's still PLENTY of death metal on this album, even if it's nowhere close to anything like Blessed Are The Sick in terms or quality. Of course Radikult is seriously bad, but still.

Honestly, I really don't get the reaction to this, I was expecting something much worse.
To me, nothing can ever top St Anger and this isn't anywhere near the same level of crapness.

"March! March!" hahahaha, fucking brilliant. :lol: That song goes on too long though, otherwise I find it pretty cool in a weird way.

Maybe I'm just getting older and less bothered about things like this.

And David Vincent sounds fucking fantastic on this album IMO. His lyrics are awful on it, but

Formulas > Heretic > St. Anger >>> Illud Divinum Insanus.
I was watching this interview the other day and it's kind of a trip to think about what Trey says here in light of what they're doing now. What the fuck happened since then?

edit: Also, Trey is a fucking goofball.
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Trey is for sure a wierd goofball, fun fucker though. Too bad he says all this crap and go against his own statements some years later.

"I think all the REAL fans of this band understand that already. We don't check into the scene to see what the scene people accept or don't accept" Trey Azagthoth, Decibel Magazine.
I want to know in what fucking universe all those "stars" of metal must be living in to think that this record is anything more than an experiment gone horribly wrong.

It sounds like Rammstein took big, disgusting shit on a Mudvayne album.
What world are you living in that you think they would talk bad about something they're advertising? christ.
Fuck this! I'm glad I did'nt buy a ticket to see them here this time.Despite this shit MA are still kings but they need to fucking pull their finger out next time around.
The more I hear "I Am Morbid" the more I love it. I honestly think this is the best song they've done since the Domination album.
Two thirds of this album is better than anything they've done since Domination, the other third is worse than anything they've EVER done.

One thing, try listening to Destructos on headphones, it's much more fun than normal speakers.
Two thirds of this album is better than anything they've done since Domination, the other third is worse than anything they've EVER done.

I would say that 100% of this album is as bad or worse than anything that they have ever done. Formulas fatal to the flesh is a classic album in my book and the (actual) tracks on Heretic make even the best tracks on here sound like shit.
Yeah, it's weird, I fully expected to agree with everyone on this. I'm normally a straight ahead, no frills, keep it simple kinda guy. Rammstein, Marilyn Manson, all that kinda shit I don't even care enough to forumlate an opinion on. When I was mildly interested in techno music, 17 years ago, due to amphetamine intake, I liked the "gabba" hardcore stuff Trey is into (like this, I used to love this [ame][/ame] ), but fuck I haven't cared for it since I gave up the drugs all that time ago! (I was into Morbid Angel and metal long before that too).
Blessed Are the Sick and Domination are by far my favourite MA albums.

Imagine my shock on listening to Illud and realising I really like it, while all you guys (and everyone else apparently) fucking hates it. :lol: