Morbid Angel - Illud Divinum Insanus new album discussion.

Copied from a comment over on RYM:

Evil Satan liked to drink
Which would cause his brain to shrink
Once he met a Christian pope
Fucked his butt - that was dope
"Oh my ass, ave Maria"
Jesus got Satan diarrhea
Horrible shit came out of his anus
He called it Illud Divinum Insanus
I thought there was some potential for this to be an interesting experiment after I heard Radikult; in some abstract sense I guess I thought it felt tonally similar to some of Triptykon's material. How wrong I was. I can't even sit through the whole album. This is a staggering failure on the level of St. Anger.
I listened to it once last night and I don't think it's anywhere near as bad as St Anger. "I am Morbid" and the last two songs are complete shit, but the rest of it isn't as bad as I'd expected.
"Kill a cop" lyrics and stuff like that are out of place on a MA album, but seriously, St Anger was FAR worse than this.
Nope, St. Anger at least had a couple worthwhile songs, whereas, this does not. Also, St. Anger does not have the dubious dishonor of sporting what could possibly be the most atrocious and ghastly turd-burger of a song I've heard in my life (Radikult).
Alright I finally just listened to the entire thing. I feel the same way I do about St Anger. Theres some good material underneath all of the shit. This could have been a great album but it's flaws are overwhelming. Too Extreme! is actually painfull to listen to along with most of the tracks due to the fact that it's production is so clicky. The drums are something I would use as an example of what not to do with triggers and how they can be used in the wrong way. David Vincent's vocals are fucking terrible, his voice has become so weak that it doesn't even sound like growling or even screaming or even shouting of any kind. It sounds like he has throat cancer and he's being choked. The lyrics are fucking cheesey, the song titles are fucking cheesey.

Something like this is almost an insult to the intelligence of death metal's fans. If they thought for one second that this would go over well they are seriously more deluded than I could have imagined. It's like they took all the things that are bad about death metal and all the annoying things that ever existed in Morbid Angel and brought them all together and made them into one giant pile of fly infested shit. Like I said this could have been a great record but no it was quite different.
I fucking hate it. All of it.

If David Vincent weren't a factor, a couple of the death metal tracks would be ok, but he is so repetitive and his voice is much worse. But even the instrumentals on the death metal tracks are weaker than on the previous albums.
I love the first 5 MA cds, but I don't want to hear the same cd twice. If I want to listen too Covenant will. It's not like it's going to disapear.
Its terrible, just awful all round. I only made it to track seven and couldn't take any more.

I actually started laughing during 'Too Extreme' when that techno beat kicked in. I listen to a fair bit of techno/electronic music too and this track is terrible in any musical universe.

The Death Metal tracks afterwards do actually have some ok-ish bits in, but they are ruined by that incredibly irritating constant bass drum sound which sounds completely fake and unnatural. Guitars lack any real depth too, very mechanical sounding. Not to mention Vincent's terrible vocals which are bordering on satire in how forced they sound.

I've now put on Covenant to rebalance my brain and am working on forgetting I ever heard that.

The hitler video is fantastic though!
I don't really understand all the backlash. Take Formulas Fatal to the Flesh - there are about five "ambient" tracks on there. They call it ambient, I call it fucking shitty noises. And much of the "proper" material on that album was very weak too.
There was no backlash then.
Heretic too was instantly forgettable.

It seems the only reason there is uproar over this is because the "experimental" or "ambient" bullshit MA have always been interested in has leaked over into the "proper" songs. But there's still PLENTY of death metal on this album, even if it's nowhere close to anything like Blessed Are The Sick in terms or quality. Of course Radikult is seriously bad, but still.

Honestly, I really don't get the reaction to this, I was expecting something much worse.
To me, nothing can ever top St Anger and this isn't anywhere near the same level of crapness.

"March! March!" hahahaha, fucking brilliant. :lol: That song goes on too long though, otherwise I find it pretty cool in a weird way.

Maybe I'm just getting older and less bothered about things like this.

And David Vincent sounds fucking fantastic on this album IMO. His lyrics are awful on it, but
I don't really understand all the backlash. Take Formulas Fatal to the Flesh - there are about five "ambient" tracks on there. They call it ambient, I call it fucking shitty noises.

Dude, it's because the non-metal shit on Illud is fucking retarded and offensive in a way that Trey's crappy ambient stuff never was.

And much of the "proper" material on that album was very weak too.

Even the weaker tracks on Formulas are better than the sterile, fist-pump "death metal" on the new one.
So I'm listening to it for the first time.... honestly I don't even know what to say. It's sad really, Heretic was actually my first death metal album. It was a profound influence on my writing and remains in my list of favorite DM albums (these days it's getting smaller and smaller). Because of Heretic being my favorite, I had a lot of hope for the upcoming album... until David Vincent rejoined. Forget that though, this is more than just David Vincent. I mean, what the fuck. Seriously? I would pick Lady Gaga over this fucking piece of garbage any day. I really hope that bullshit like this isn't the next fucking piece of shit fad. I'm only saying this because, though the reviews from the popstars of "metal" said that this was like nothing else, it sounds like fucking new Belphegor, new Semargl, and a number of others. And it didn't die with them. Mezzerschmitt did what they were going for properly, at least they didn't try to make it mother fucking black n' roll. It's just god awful.

Excuse my rant but I honestly feel offended by this piece of shit.

Here's the next big thing...

I know, it's painful to hear. As I had said before, MA did not do this first.
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