Morbid Angel - Illud Divinum Insanus new album discussion.

I assumed it had leaked, since there's a few reviews on Rate Your Music, but you guys would have known already right?

maybe people are being respectful of the fact that downloading something that costs around a tenner and has taken up hours and hours of a group of people's time is deeply disrespectful and a little bit pathetic.
maybe people are being respectful of the fact that downloading something that costs around a tenner and has taken up hours and hours of a group of people's time is deeply disrespectful and a little bit pathetic.

What? I don't understand what you're saying? Are you telling me if this had leaked no one on this forum would have downloaded it?
I thought I saw I link for the download, but it looked like it might be low quality, so I thought I'd wait until it actually gets released to either buy or download.
FPS-if I don't buy the whole album (because it is anticipated to suck), I will pay to download the tracks that I like off of iTunes or Amazon.
The die-hard box edition is the single most ridiculous metal release ever.

^What the fucking fuck. Also I heard Existo Vulgore and Nevermore. Parts of Nevermore were alright but aside from that, sterile, fucking BALL-LESS death metal with shitty choruses. Goddamnit, Morbid Angel.
Id pick "Illud Divinum Insanus" over any Rammstein album any day. But I would also pick most death metal albums over "Illud Divinum Insanus". It contains a few somewhat enjoyable tracks, but also some of the worst things Ive heard in a while.
Id pick "Illud Divinum Insanus" over any Rammstein album any day.

What are you even trying to prove by saying this?! Why do you compare it to a band that you obviously hate enough to compare shitty albums to? That really says nothing. You basically said that the album is crap, but there is still a band that in your opinion plays worse, so it's okay?

Also I don't see how can people compare the new MA to Rammstein tbh, they are still completely different.
Id pick "Illud Divinum Insanus" over any Rammstein album any day.

WHOA sport, where'd this come from? Also I'm not surprised, since you seem to have a really big aversion a lot of good music... it's as if you have some sort of "good music allergy".
Existo, Blades for Ball, I am Morbid, 10 more dead, nevermore and when beatuy meets beast are the only acceptabble tracks...and im not sold on of a few of these even :S What a knuckleball of an album they threw at us....

now go make a classic MA record plz....
There are a few decent tunes on it, eg Blades for Baal, but the electronica stuff is pretty poor.

I don't know why they're calling it techno, it's not techno.

I actually like techno, but not the electronic songs on the new MA album.
Albums leaked, it is truly awful... why MA... why?!

Heretic was awful. I downloaded the new album and am looking forward to hearing it. I think it's going to be extreme, too extreme!. Extreme Music For Extreme People.
Heretic was awful. I downloaded the new album and am looking forward to hearing it. I think it's going to be extreme, too extreme!. Extreme Music For Extreme People.

Heretic had a few good songs on it but so much of it was like "really? you put that on an album?"