Morbid Angel - Illud Divinum Insanus new album discussion.

As open-minded my approach was towards hearing a new Morbid Angel album, after hearing those don't even care what kind of music it is, those samples just don't sound good. This stuff is rather embarrassing, likely to be an epic failure. What happened Morbid Angel? :confused:

I'm sure I'll re-visit the idea of checking out this album once I've got more to go on but this is definitely no longer on my to-order list anymore.
You mean sucks.


i'm beginning to think there are no more than 5 people anywhere who enjoy any single death metal album. i see thousands of people clinging to bits of plank drifting in the ocean when you could build a great boat together.

listening to the morbid angel samples. i didn't think they could be that bad. my mind hadn't prepared me for this.
I'm hoping the new HE is good, I'll be listening to it later. But this shit...WHAT THE FUCK, I can live with MEH riffs/vocals if it has nice production, but the drums are atrocious, especially the bass drums and cymbals. there is also a chasm of space that needs to be filled, guitars do not have enough mids. and the has a weird quality to it, almost like a weird gutteral thing. anyways this is shit, and i'm not the biggest morbid angel fan, but i love their great work and this is not it.
Well, i pre-ordered the album a while back...

To be honest, i quite like the Nevermore and Existowhatever song that i heard on youtube.

I've had a few listens and i'm digging them. I'll reserve full judgment until i get the album. Seems to be a lot of hate for this album though. I'm not expecting a masterpiece, but hopefully it's decent.
Existo Vulgore sounds alright. Radikult is woeful, just so bad it shouldn't be anywhere near a MA album. Fucking horrendous.

It doesn't sound so much like they've been listening to hardcore techno music, more like they've been listening to AC/DC.
EDIT - I just put on "Destructos Vs The Earth", it's fuckin AC/DC's "TNT"!!