Morbid Angel - Illud Divinum Insanus new album discussion.

I'll buy it. Azagthoth's an interesting guy, a really great writer, whose songs and guitar playing/ tone have real personality. So I'm sure there will be something worth engaging with here, because his musical mind is a far more interesting place, or has been in the past, than 99.9% of the imitators.
Those vocals are un-fucking-believable. I realize now how much I missed DV. Everything I enjoy about Morbid Angel is in that song. I'll be waiting eagerly for the rest...
Average track overall I think, although the drumming is fantastic. Sounds like Tim Yeung is up there with Sandoval.
Yea pretty average track but cool vocals and Tim Yeung is unholy, whenever I hear his long double bass runs I can't help but visualise his really inefficient, full-leg drumming technique which makes it twice as badass. He's such a brute force drummer hahah
Not looking forward to an electronica Morbid ANgel.

Destructos VS the Earth REMIX.
I don't like the new song. I'm starting to think that even the new Pestilence will be better.
Yeah, that song is shit.

It is basically modern Behemoth with Lamb of God's vocalist. This is not looking good for the album.
Am I the only one who was disappointed with that song?

edit: I really should read before posting. I felt Yeung's drumming was really kinda meh and the songwriting was pretty bad. I'll probably still buy the album just to check out the entire thing, but I really wasn't impressed by that track.
That song is pretty uninteresting. The riffs are pretty boring. Vincent's vocals are fine, but not really anything special. When I listened to it I said "yep, that's death metal alright." Horribly average. Well-played, reasonably complex, and completely uninteresting.