Morbid Tales Melbourne - How was it for everyone?


Child of Morpheus
Dec 15, 2002
Huddersfield, UK
As someone not really in touch with the Melbourne scene, I had a great time. I was there mainly to see Anarazel, who didn't disappoint although it was criminal that their set was cut short. I was pretty impressed by Sakyuth and Earth also, although Blood Duster and Alchemist didn't really leave a mark on me.

What did everyone else who was there thinK?
I wasn't overly impressed by Daysend either, and i agree that was primarily due to the singer. I didn't hang around for Bloodduster because i think i've seen them way to often lately. Probably my highlights for the night were Earth and Alchemist... Sakkuth played quite well too i thought although they probably had the worst crowd response!

So it was Rick's last gig for now... Are Earth playing any more Aus gigs before they head O/S or what?? When are they going??
Yes, Daysend didn't really impress me either Which is a shame as, like DravenMist said, there seemed to be quite a fair bit of technical ability within the ranks.

It did seem to fill up rather late too, I was in there from about 4:15 onwards so as not to miss anything, and I really don't think I have ever watched bands in an emptier venue! I did feel rather sorry for the opening act (the name escapes me I'm afraid, although they were very good), having to play to a crowd that could be counted on bearly more than one hand!
DravenMist said:
My head was down the whole time

What, did you stick a mirror on the top of your shoe, then stand next to chicks in skirts all night or something? ;)

Sounds like it was a good gig. I would have gone, but for the 21st that was on......
It was pretty sad to see Anarazel play to so few people. They are one of Australias best BM bands and they were pretty pissed off at having to play so early, and then having their set cut after 25 minutes!!
They should have let Anarazel play for an hour and not let Daysend play at all. Holy shit that singer is awful. I'll admit the rest of the band were great, that lead guitarist was phenomenal, but they would be much better off if they ditched that vocalist. It was painful.
Sakkuth were brilliant, another disapointing crowd though. It sucks that they come all the way from Sydney and play to 15 people. If they never come back to Melbourne it wouldn't surprise me at all.
Earth and Alchemist were brilliant as usual.
Blood Duster were the epitimy of cock rock. Damn entertaining too.
Well worth the $20, even if watching Anarazel play to 10 people was sad.
It was pretty sad to see Anarazel play to so few people. They are one of Australias best BM bands and they were pretty pissed off at having to play so early, and then having their set cut after 25 minutes!!

To be frank, I was absolutely gutted about this. I've been listening to Anarazel back in the UK for about a year or so, and since finding my way to Australia I'd been really looking forward to actually getting to see a show.

Words cannot explain how disappointed I was when they were forced to leave the stage after such a short time. I think the majority of the crowd would also have rather seen the rest of Anarazel's set and less of Daysend.

Here's hoping we get a headlining set of 'Unholy Australian Metal' in the not too distant future.
i was too intoxicated to make my way to the gig
but yes anarazel are quite the cool..

and as for gaysend....MEH!
Anarazel's gigs seem to be getting less and less frequent... in the few times I've seen them they've never played anything from Rise Of The Tempest, and some of the tracks on there are fucking great.

Heh I can understand them being pissed at being on early, I've seen them totally ditch gigs simply because they didn't want certain bands playing above them...
He is a totally clean style singer... but he has an excellent range. I vaguely remember one of their songs starts with like a 50 second "scream" that goes from very low to very high pitched totally smooth.

Like I said, good singer but in the wrong band.
Just to clear the air why Anarazel's set was cut short.It has nothing to do with Daysend or any other band for that matter. It's just HiFi are very strick and want bands to stick to their allocated times. It was mentioned in each bands'contact and it was upto each band to make sure they are ready on time. The venue's sound guy had a list of all bands playing times and he cut Anarazel short simply because they took 20 min extra to set up

I think by the time Sakkuth were on there were quite a few people and I don't think they got a worst crowd responce. I was at the back selling merchandise and I could hear all the cheering and screaming going for them. It may seem that they had a worst crowd responce but judging by shirt sales and amount of people subscribing to their mailing list I pretty much doubt they had the worst responce

Hellish. thanks for coming to the gig. It was nice meeting you and Satanic for the first time. Btw, Sakkuth are all the way from sunny Brisbane and yess they will be back in Melb at least 3 times this year- in July with Damaged at the Corner, in Aug with Blood Duster and in Nov with Hypocrisy