More bullshit happening at concerts

prime666 said:
People are weak. Any faggot who needs a gun or a knife is pathetic. The best thing that person can do for himself and the rest of society is use that weapon on themself.

"Guns are for the weak" H. Rollins

ThraxDude said:
Knives, Guns, Pillow Cases full of Bricks, It doesn't matter.

The problem is the way people are brought up. I'm sure the asshole's parents didn't do their job. He was probably abused by his father or something. Then decided to bring a knife to a concert.........

PS- I own a gun. I've had it for over a decade and I haven't murdered a single living creature. Does owning a gun make me a threat to society...??? Nope. My parents raised me right.


You can't know what you're capable of until you've done it. It doesn't matter that you've got a ten year clean record of none killing because so have most of the world's great serial killers.
You can't know what you're capable of until you've done it. It doesn't matter that you've got a ten year clean record of none killing because so have most of the world's great serial killers.
i'm capable of getting crazy tonight. it's hot and humid out , i got a gun and i'm all jacked up on coffee !!! woo hoo yeeee hawwww!!!
time to dig another hole in the crawl space !
hopefully this fuck bag with the knife dosn't come to mondays COC show here in nashville . we got enough tough guys in this town wooo haaaa !!!!!
karrokid said:
i'm capable of getting crazy tonight. it's hot and humid out , i got a gun and i'm all jacked up on coffee !!! woo hoo yeeee hawwww!!!
time to dig another hole in the crawl space !
hopefully this fuck bag with the knife dosn't come to mondays COC show here in nashville . we got enough tough guys in this town wooo haaaa !!!!!

Drink Bourbon.
ThraxDude said:
Knives, Guns, Pillow Cases full of Bricks, It doesn't matter.

The problem is the way people are brought up. I'm sure the asshole's parents didn't do their job. He was probably abused by his father or something. Then decided to bring a knife to a concert.........

PS- I own a gun. I've had it for over a decade and I haven't murdered a single living creature. Does owning a gun make me a threat to society...??? Nope. My parents raised me right.

I agree. We (USA) have one of the worst gun-murder rates in the world, but there are other nations that have more guns per-person than we do. Simply put, this is an attitude thing. There are some people that feel that violence will solve their problems. And NO, that's not all Americans. Don't lump us all in with the few assholes that make it on the international news circuit. Hell, I'm a nice guy sometimes! :grin:
That sucks big time - here's an idea, leave your weapons at home and just go to enjoy the music and, meet other fellow humans who enjoy the same music you are into...
Sgt-D said:
I agree. We (USA) have one of the worst gun-murder rates in the world, but there are other nations that have more guns per-person than we do. Simply put, this is an attitude thing. There are some people that feel that violence will solve their problems. And NO, that's not all Americans. Don't lump us all in with the few assholes that make it on the international news circuit. Hell, I'm a nice guy sometimes! :grin:
Exactly. The problem is that a LOT of Americans are lazy, half-assed douche bags who don't take care of ANYTHING let alone their fucking children.
We are pretty spoiled in this country. Take me- I work at a fucking grocery store, own 2 cars, a condo, and I still have money for beer, porn, videogames, etc.
It's the fucking lazy white trash assholes (who have kids who bring weapons to concerts) that make this country look bad.
ThraxDude, I don't understand. Why on earth do you have a gun? And how does this fit in with your 'serious' suggestion of metal detectors whenever you leave the house? Does this mean you think guns are okay, but only for home defense? Not sure what you mean.
J1NX said:
ThraxDude, I don't understand. Why on earth do you have a gun? And how does this fit in with your 'serious' suggestion of metal detectors whenever you leave the house? Does this mean you think guns are okay, but only for home defense? Not sure what you mean.
I understand your confusion. Let me put it this way: I'm pro guns, and I'm against being shot.
When I was a kid, some guy broke into our house. This person said he had a gun, so my dad loaded up his shotgun and scared him off. Our house was never broken into again. If my dad didn't have that shotgun, who knows what might have happened... :confused:
Does that make sense?
ThraxDude said:
I understand your confusion. Let me put it this way: I'm pro guns, and I'm against being shot.
When I was a kid, some guy broke into our house. This person said he had a gun, so my dad loaded up his shotgun and scared him off. Our house was never broken into again. If my dad didn't have that shotgun, who knows what might have happened... :confused:
Does that make sense?

Better locks could have worked in that situation though.
DiscipleOfThePit said:
Better locks could have worked in that situation though.

Naw. They woulda just smashed the window.

IMO, you can't worry about someone fucking with you all the time, or life will be no fun. All you can do is your best; if someone really wants to fuck with you, they will. That's where you need to have faith in your fellow humans & community.
America needs a change, a drastic change, and no I am not talking about a change in leadership--thats only a part of it. Everything has to change, from parential rights to discipline his/her child, to our nations desire to be politically correct over being morally correct.
DeathsHead said:
America needs a change, a drastic change, and no I am not talking about a change in leadership--thats only a part of it. Everything has to change, from parential rights to discipline his/her child, to our nations desire to be politically correct over being morally correct.

The problem with this is that some groups that claim to be "morally correct" are really doing nothing more than pushing their own specific religious agenda. Morals do NOT need to be attached to a religion; people can know right from wrong without some bullshit preacher saying so.
Hey ThraxDude - Thanks for the clarification. Yeah, I can certainly see where you're coming from. But I can't help feeling it's all running in the wrong direction - fight fear with fear until everyone's armed to the teeth and terrified of everyone else. I mean, with your own break-in situation, there's certainly a case for saying it would have been 'better' if neither the burglar nor your dad had a gun... On the other hand, I realize it's not so simple because we have to go from where we are now (i.e. criminals tend to have guns). I definitely think 'no guns' would be a better situation to aim for than 'guns for all' though. All we need now is someone real smart to figure out how ;)

"Stop turning my thread into a weapons debate"? Errr... okay!
can know right from wrong without some bullshit preacher saying so.
"what do you mean i don't believe in god / talk to him every day"

everyone knows wrong from right , it's just some people choose wrong. they get possessed by greed, or money or become slaves to chemicals and commit these violent crimes. the people who are mentally unbalanced and don't seek help do the really scarey shit (like stabbing or killing people at concerts with no apparent motive) but, don't tell tom cruise beacuse mental illness and depression can't be treated and psychology is all a farce. what a jackass.
"i'm giving you and interview and you squirted me , why ?" ah i don't know ,maybe because your an asshole !!!
Crabmeat said:
What is the fucking deal with metal shows in the U.S.???????????????
I've NEVER seen anything above a stupid skirmish at shows here in Europe.
A tussle at best!!!!

But bringing fucking weapons to shows?????
my girlfriend got 'kidnapped' at a machine head gig in london. :Spin: i was kickin' ass in the pit, and some asshole tried to drag her into it, and some older guy had to help her out when he saw she was being forcefully dragged. i wanted her to point him out so I could introduce him to Mr.Steel-toecap, but she wouldnt. :err:
But why drag a tiny lady into a pit where she's obviously gonna get hurt? it aint as bad as the US gets but the fact my lady cant enjoy a gig cos of cocks like that kinda put you off going, or mean I have to stand guard all the time. Anyway, enough rambling.