More bullshit happening at concerts

ThraxDude said:
Knives, Guns, Pillow Cases full of Bricks, It doesn't matter.

The problem is the way people are brought up. I'm sure the asshole's parents didn't do their job. He was probably abused by his father or something. Then decided to bring a knife to a concert.........

PS- I own a gun. I've had it for over a decade and I haven't murdered a single living creature. Does owning a gun make me a threat to society...??? Nope. My parents raised me right.

Yeah, I have to say it´s an attitude thing. Lots of countries are filled with guns but people from the US and Bosnia are more attached to their guns and knifes than most.
J1NX said:
Hey ThraxDude - Thanks for the clarification. Yeah, I can certainly see where you're coming from. But I can't help feeling it's all running in the wrong direction - fight fear with fear until everyone's armed to the teeth and terrified of everyone else. I mean, with your own break-in situation, there's certainly a case for saying it would have been 'better' if neither the burglar nor your dad had a gun... On the other hand, I realize it's not so simple because we have to go from where we are now (i.e. criminals tend to have guns). I definitely think 'no guns' would be a better situation to aim for than 'guns for all' though. All we need now is someone real smart to figure out how ;)

"Stop turning my thread into a weapons debate"? Errr... okay!
I understand what you are saying and I don't agree to it all. But I have to say that I'm glad and amazed that none of us in this thread are arguing (except the 'thread starter' hehe).
The problem is, if guns were outlawed in America, then the people who disobey the law will be the only ones with guns. And they are the people who commit the crimes (with or without such laws).

Isn't it strange that a thread that has become a "pro/con Gun Control" thread is the only thread in which we aren't arguing??? (Seems we just agree to disagree in this one)
Maybe we should start talking about the "REAL" Anthrax now just to make sure the bullshit keeps piling up in here...
Sgt-D said:
Morals do NOT need to be attached to a religion; people can know right from wrong without some bullshit preacher saying so.

Very true, and if Allah, God and Jahve and the hindu avatars have problem with that they should visit my throbbing TRÜE Anthrax meatpole, show who their daddy is. Hanuman rules though! We are a form of apes and should be fucking ruled by one!
Well, there ya have it folks. Me and ThraxDude both had our say. I hope y'all never get shot, and I hope y'all never shoot anyone neither :)

T-shirt idea: "BE NICE IN THE MOSH PIT"

Two guys in the middle of the pit:
<Guy 1> "After you, sir."
<Guy 2> "Why, thank you. Don't mind if I do."
ThraxDude said:
Exactly. The problem is that a LOT of Americans are lazy, half-assed douche bags who don't take care of ANYTHING let alone their fucking children.
We are pretty spoiled in this country. Take me- I work at a fucking grocery store, own 2 cars, a condo, and I still have money for beer, porn, videogames, etc.
It's the fucking lazy white trash assholes (who have kids who bring weapons to concerts) that make this country look bad.
I heard that. and don't forgot that probably 90% of these white trash shitheads are tweekers. fucking loser no ball bitches!!!
I don´t think I´ve ever even seen a fist fight at the concerts I´ve been to, in Denmark, Germany and Norway! The only incident I can remember (hearing about), is someone getting hit with a bottle outside the venue. Around here people tend to help and take care of each other, even when the mosh is at its craziest! In Denmark, what security is looking for is usually people trying to bring their own beer, I usually get my bulletbelt past them. :rock:
I feel sorry for you guys, that you have to fear for your safety at shows! :cry:
Miltbrand said:
In Denmark, what security is looking for is usually people trying to bring their own beer, I usually get my bulletbelt past them. :rock:

Yup, beer, joints or proffesional cameras if the artist don´t want any pics taken. That´s what a guard in Scandinavia has to look for.
Thats all right
in 93 or 94 Anthrax was in Dallas with Zombie I had front row tickets and for some reason at the last minute decided not to go...
The next day on the news 2 people in the front where stabbed
( i keep thinking it could have been me if I went) But I just didnt feel like going ,or maybe something made me feel like not going