More Changes in Megadeth?!

Any reliable source besides a rumour in a forum? Dave should work with Jon Schaeffer, just when they come with a good album they screw up the line-up.

Providing it's true Dave shuold go on his knees and ask Junior, Marty and Nick to come back. Then maybe he can take Megadeth to a good level or he can quit RIGHT NOW and bury the band after a good album.

NP: Concept Of God - 'Past Perfect'
I seriously doubt it. Both Drovers are in the band and Glenn is more than a capable player. Maybe there was a health or legal issue or something?

Edit: After searching around the net, I can find little mention of this beyond the UM post that Sixx has linked. Probably rumors as usual.
he asked jeff waters to join after he released alice in hell,and before dave wrote rust in peace if i remember rightly..jeff turned him down.
that would have been a mad combination!

Yep, that's precisely what got me on that train of thought. :kickass:

And I have also heard that Junior and Dave have been hanging out a few times here and there... so who knows...
By who other members of the forum? The webmaster? Or Dave himself?!

after this rumor came out an interview that was conducted after this rumor started was posted and glen was talking about whats next for megadeth and he talked about they have a few new tunes already written and stuff
Yeah, I've seen it... Seems Chris is America's favorite replacement guitarist nowadays :lol:
Seriously though, I'd rather have him focus on Nevermore and especially Jag Panzer, but Megadeth could give him recognition otherwise hardly attainable with the other two bands. But I doubt he'd ditch TWO excellent bands in favor of 'deth, however big they are...
The Drovers are not shit. I've seen Megadeth with them at least 3 times, and the whole band has kicked ass every time. Glenn, in particular, was very impressive...he nails all the Friedman leads almost to perfection. He is a very skilled guitar player.

When I first heard this - with no mention of Shawn's future - I figured it would be the "family" reason...