I'm actually glad they're playing Nokia Live here in Dallas. It's expensive as hell, but has a great sound system, all the shows I"ve seen there have sounded fantastic, Nevermore is gonna slay that place. Plus since it's in August I'm glad it's somewhere indoors and air conditioned, not like that SotU "parking lot" crap.
Starless Dragon said:
I'm actually glad they're playing Nokia Live here in Dallas. It's expensive as hell, but has a great sound system, all the shows I"ve seen there have sounded fantastic, Nevermore is gonna slay that place. Plus since it's in August I'm glad it's somewhere indoors and air conditioned, not like that SotU "parking lot" crap.

indeed!! do they still make everyone stay seated there? i kinda liked that:loco:
kittybeast said:
San Bernadino- Blockbuster
LA Colosium
Staples Center LA
San Diego
Too too bad there are no LA dates

san bernadino isnt LA.....neither is san diego...
staples center is too large for this type of show, as is the LA colosium...what i meant by "a tour of this size" means that its not small, nor is it huge enough to justify a venue like the blockbuster pavilion, capiche?
The Moth God said:
Fuck yea! I'm here in Fresno too. This is indeed some bloody good newz. When I 1st read this on the Maiden board, I literally shit my pants. Nevermore in Fresno :rock:

you said it man, who'd have thought? i think megadeth is fond of fresno for some reason though
Dead_Lioness said:
no DC or Virginia dates.

I can save a spot on the lawn blanky fer ya.;)Aug 10th, 90 degrees and 200% humidity......awesome. Looking forwards to the seven dollars beers lol.