more lakeview

Man, this is SO good. Just like Chasing Dreams Without Sleep, I could listen to this all day long.

Edit: In the breakdown section at the end, specifically on the first four held palm mutes, there's a little rattle going on that bugged me a bit. Nothing serious though. Love it.
Sounds really good man! I have the other Lakeview song on my myspace playlist haha. What do you do for vocals and screams? mic's and your vocal and scream chain?
Sounds really good man! I have the other Lakeview song on my myspace playlist haha. What do you do for vocals and screams? mic's and your vocal and scream chain?

thanks! all vox are doubled, clean vox are melodyned and have the double like -6db under the lead. both the clean and scream vox have their own group bus but they both start out with a highpass into waves CLA2a into CLA76 and then into their own eq to make it sit in the track well. I believe i put soundtoys decapitator on the scream vox as well
sounds realy great ! liked alot the guitars and drums but the vocals are realy great man !
Thanks guys! If the bands I got werent all mad cheap I'd probably get more stuff reamped hah. Those TESF DI's work out lolzgreg?
I like your snare a lot what's your chain??? And your mix sounds great what do you do for mastering?? I need to get my mastering skills on a new level...
Did you use a tapestop plugin on the very last scream? Or did you just do a drop in the pitch as it was cutting out?

cubase pitch shift process

I like your snare a lot what's your chain??? And your mix sounds great what do you do for mastering?? I need to get my mastering skills on a new level...

I used snare 12a in slate, I didnt do too much besides increasing the attack and sustain a little with a transient designer and then a little eq to fit it in the mix better

mastering chain was
stillwell bombardier
izotope ozone for some color
sonnox limiter