So what your saying is that EVERY Muslim in the world goes along with the Terror and death ???

Decrying ?????, many of these people dont even have free speech in their countries, they cant even decry their own governments let alone whats happening half way across the world !!!
IM BRAINWASHED ?????.. Listen to the David Duke crap comin out of your keyboard, Hows your white sheets ??? you got your rope ready for this weekend ??
So like i said how many people of Muslim origin do you know ? or have you conversed with ??
I come from a very diverse part of the UK, ive got Muslim friends in over here that drink with the best of them, party with the best of them and are good freedom loving people, they are very moderate, of course there are the total savages who are blowing up trains (of which i was nearly in one), but to blame an entire race of people for it is nuts !! it makes you no better than the Islamic extremists.
Ask yourself this, Why was The USA was arming the Mujahudin in Afghanistan against the Russians ???? !!! YOU WERE ALLIES !!!!! Most Americans probably Didnt even know what a Muslim was During the Cold War !!!! And if they did they would have said "Hey those are the poor people being killed by the Nasty inhuman Commies!" Ring a bell ??