more of my songs

Tide In Mind Out

Mar 5, 2002
this is the final, revised version of "dark rising."
dark rising....
dark rising....
dark rising....
dark rising....

watch as we the dark rise
watch as the sun turns to black
no need to run, you can't escape anyway
long lost is the light of day

look at our faces as we march by
nothing but darkness to meet the eye
with out coming black drapes the sky
forever and ever we will rise

dark rising....prognostication
dark rising....of annihilation
dark rising.....existential being
dark longer worth believing

forget about hope, forget about need
on all emotion the darkness feeds
all turns to ebony, just let it be
open your door to the fading into black eternity

dark rising.....
dark rising....
dark rising....
dark rising....

and i'm just about out of time on this computer so i will return in a few minutes
my brain is failing.....i had "killer #2" all lined up in my head now i've forgotten a verse of it.....oh well, tomorrow!!!
eeeh, i don't have any riffs thought up for that one, i've got a beat though.....i have a riff for "killer#1" but that is right now i just practice to music already out there.
doink doink doink!!! i totally messed up dark rising!!!! (sigh)....
ok, here's it is correctly from the "forget about hope" to the end:

forget about hope, forget about need
on all emotion the darkness feeds
with lights' demise all merge as one
everything you've ever known becomes moribund

watch as we the dark rise
watch as the sun turns to black
all turns to ebony, just let it be
open your door to the fading into black eternity

step the dark rising
with eyes the dark rising
free your the dark rising
don't question the dark rising

yeah that's it!!!!!!!!:lol:
Ooh, moribund.

Nice song...I can kinda see it as a Testament-style thing, with semi-death vocals. Maybe that's cause I'm listening to The Gathering right now, though.

Quick suggestion: change the second line of the chorus to "With eyes open wide." It just flows better.

Got any more?