More PC problems...


Jan 10, 2005
Ok, I took the drive out and put it in another PC, it ran chkdsk for me and the only thing wrong was that it said the "volume is dirty". Now, I put it back into my case, and started up the machine and it worked. Great, right? Well I do a quick little backup of a few things onto DVD-R and then I had to leave the house to do some stuff. I come back, and the clock is frozen at 8:13, which is a little after when I left the house. The mouse is frozen, the keyboard does nothing. Great. I turn off the comp and I turn it back on, it freezes at like 15% load on the first started up screen (DELL).

A few things I found out when I opened the case. First of all, it is NOT the WD drive that I had ordered when I bought the PC. It is instead a Maxtor drive, same storage capacity, same RPM, but Maxtor. Not Western Digital, which is what I ordered, and what I paid for. Second, Dell has a stupid way of mounting drives. I would have been fine with just unscrewing the shit, but instead they have these rails that are a pain in the ass to manipulate into getting the drive out. I was on the phone immediately with Dell trying to find out why on my statement it says "WESTERN DIGITAL" and the price for a WD drive, but...!'s a Maxtor drive! Cool cloaking device captain. They had no answer..."you must've ordered the Maxtor" fucking SAYS on the statement that THEY sent ME, WESTERN DIGITAL. Good thing all my warranties are out now, being a couple of years after I bought this thing, because now they can just tell me to fuck off since their responsibility ran out a loooong time ago. Great. Just fucking dandy. So. Fuck Dell. My girlfriend's mom is dating a tech guy from Dell, so I'm going to try and get ahold of him ASAP and see if he's one of these anti-employees that will help me out. Hopefully so. In the meantime, I need to find out if there is anyway I can get the drive to work for just a little longer so I can make one more backup disk. Luckily I didn't have *that* much to back up, but there's still a few crucial things I have to get off of it. GAH!

Not sure if I remember your problem correctly, but...

Did you re-install the faulty drive as a slave drive and the pc won't boot up now, even though it worked at first? If so that's pretty rough.

Well... Sometimes the logic board goes bad, but the platter where all the data is stored is actually fine. It's possible to buy an identical drive, and replace the logic board in the old drive long enough to get your data back.


It ain't pretty, but if you're having mechanical problems there aren't many easy options if it's more than a bent IDE pin.
Hopkins-WitchfinderGeneral said:
this is the big problem with PC's, you really need to make sure you buy a well put together machine done by pros, it's too easy to get shit components or at least not the ones you want.

build one yourself, easier and cheaper