More pix of the Rotterdam (4/14) gig:


Awaiting Mathematics
I thought I'd add mine, while not interfering with Eus' thread. Here's the URL:

And my favorite picture (not the best, but for personal reasons): Darren handing me his pick right before they went into Freedom. I figure it helped that I had my trusty old Death shirt on :)


Even with the bad lighting at the Baroeg, this wasn't bad for my first time out with a digital camera...
chainsawmax said:
well what's wrong with that? he plays DOWN with the pick. so what? he's always the shit!

killer pics man, KILLER pics! wonder if I could link to your gallery from the fansite and myspace site???

Hahaha, Max, don't worry about it. It's not wrong at all. But Steve seemed to pride himself (in a NON-egotistical way) in being able to do incredibly fast fingerstyle stuff. And of COURSE he's the shit. :headbang: :rolleyes: :headbang:
chainsawmax said:
well what's wrong with that? he plays DOWN with the pick. so what? he's always the shit!

killer pics man, KILLER pics! wonder if I could link to your gallery from the fansite and myspace site???

Sure thing, Massimo, go ahead. I knew you were wanting to do that - Luc from SFMetal told me. Just stick my name in there somewhere, and it's all cool.

And yeah, Steve played both with and without pick. Off hand, I can only remember Down being played with one, actually.
Damn...pretty good photo. I always hate the delay on the auto-focus on those things. Foreground lighting is pretty good. And you got Darren lookin' right at you too, nice bonus.