Moshpits: Advice


the dead will arise >:D
Feb 7, 2011
I'm a girl that's only 5'2" and rather thin and wants to get right in the middle of a moshpit at the next gig/concert I go to. Any advice specifically for girls, or if you're a girl could you talk about your mosh pit experiences? Thanks :D

also I heard that there've been girls getting raped at concerts. anyone care to give their opinion?
Follow your guts on this one. Feeling hesitant? Don't get yourself in a situation where you can get hurt. Music is great and concerts are fun as long as your experience is free from harm.
My advice? Someone who's 5'2'' and 'rather thin' shouldn't be in the pit. But if you must, don't just stand there. When you get into the pit, get into it. Don't pussyfoot around, or else you're gonna get knocked down.