Moshpits - yay or nay?

Moshpits - yay or nay?

  • Yay!

    Votes: 5 29.4%
  • Nay!

    Votes: 12 70.6%

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Personally I fucking HATE them!!!! There is nothing worse than trying to watch a band play and get pushed, elbowed, kicked etc by these dumbasses. I seriously think there should be a seperate area for them cos they spoil it for everyone else who are actually trying to watch the band (which they clearly are not).

And on the subject of moshing, here's a video I took of Anthrax during the moshpit in Indians in April this year.
I'm of two minds on this subject. Certain bands and/or songs just lend themselves to moshing. Anthrax is one of them. To this day, whenever someones shouts WARDANCE! I begin moshing about. Moshing is to me more about feeling the music rather than watching it. I am very conscientious about my actions though, and am courteous as possible to the bystanders because I know thats not their bag.

On the other hand, I do sometimes enjoy going to a show to watch the band in peace and remain unhassled. When that mood strikes me, I am normally not near the front because I know what'll probably happen down there.

So I'll choose the third, unmentioned option. Sometimes.

Wow, what a typically gemini response.

Hate isn't a strong enough term.

If you strongly hate moshing i doubt you are that much into Metal music. It is part of the Metal culture. Yes it sucks to see bands like Iron Maiden and have people circle pitting simply because Maiden is not that type of band. But if I go to see Slayer, Pantera, Morbid Angel etc I better see some fuckin violence in the pits. Thats what I expect to see
Ever since I thought it would be fun to walk into the pit at Donnington Monsters of Rock back in 1994 for Sepultura and pantera.....12 years on my mates still have not forgiven me. I enjoyed it right up until I thought I was gonna die.

Mind you back in 94 there was 75,000 of us there and no crowd control barriers.

Then at the smaller gigs sometimes its fun to run up the side and launch yourself into the crowd.

However usually pits get too big and then too violent, theres a limit to what is fun to what is disturbing, I'd personally be fine to see body parts getting thrown up out of a pit, but I think the authorities would take a dim view of it.
Its stage diving I cant stand, theres always one fat bastard that targets me, theres a whole crowd but the fat bastard ALWAYS jumps on me.
ironmaidenfan09 said:
If you strongly hate moshing i doubt you are that much into Metal music. It is part of the Metal culture. Yes it sucks to see bands like Iron Maiden and have people circle pitting simply because Maiden is not that type of band. But if I go to see Slayer, Pantera, Morbid Angel etc I better see some fuckin violence in the pits. Thats what I expect to see

Hmmmm guess it is an old school metal vs new school metal thing. Back in the day I was down in front at Priest, Sabbath, Maiden, and others headbanging away but everyone still watched the band.

When a pit develops around you, now you can't watch the band. It is a different philosophy. I pay to see the act on stage and being in a pit full of violence isn't my thing.

Guess I'm just old. :erk:
i doubt you are that much into Metal music.
:Smug: Metal anymore has so many stylistic branches and I'll grant you some do nothing for me at all.

ironmaidenfan09 said:
If you strongly hate moshing i doubt you are that much into Metal music. It is part of the Metal culture. Yes it sucks to see bands like Iron Maiden and have people circle pitting simply because Maiden is not that type of band. But if I go to see Slayer, Pantera, Morbid Angel etc I better see some fuckin violence in the pits. Thats what I expect to see
I was there when metal started and there was no moshing, that came in later when the speed metal thing came in. I personally don't care for it but it is sort of a tribal ritual for those that do like it.

I don't see how you can enjoy the band while moshing, I actually like to watch them play and take things in.
Schmidt_Rubin said:
I was there when metal started and there was no moshing, that came in later when the speed metal thing came in.

Yewts today, eh? :lol: I was there in the infancy of metal as well but apparently I'm "not into metal". :err: :err: :err: :err:

So sitting down with my headphone amp hooked to the CD player banging along with Geezer Butler on Heaven and Hell isn't metal?

I agree with the "many stylistic branches" comment. I can't listen to death and black metal, it's not singing to me. Granted it takes a shitload of stamina to play that stuff but it's not for me. The heaviest I listen to is Trivium and Disturbed, they have some good melodies.
ironmaidenfan09 said:
If you strongly hate moshing i doubt you are that much into Metal music. It is part of the Metal culture. Yes it sucks to see bands like Iron Maiden and have people circle pitting simply because Maiden is not that type of band. But if I go to see Slayer, Pantera, Morbid Angel etc I better see some fuckin violence in the pits. Thats what I expect to see

That has to be one the stupidiest things I have ever read!!! If you knew me, you certainly would not be saying that. I love the music and love to headbang, jump, scream and throw the horns not get shoved about and worry about hurting myself and staying upright. :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
You're taking his comment too literally.His reference to violence is simply a figure of speech.No he doesn't mean people getting seriously hurt & dying. To quote Exodus it's "Good Friendly Violent Fun!" You should've seen how crazy the early Metallica shows were back in the day, that was some intense shit!
Jenna, you have my sentiments exactly. I hate moshing, and I can't stand moshers who ruin a good time for others. The only exception I find to this are those bands that openly encourage moshing, such as Anthrax, SOD, MOD and others. If it's a band's modus operandus to encourage moshing, then I can't blame the fans for following along.

Quick story: Tacoma 2000, BNW tour. I was in the very front-center of an open floor. Moshing begins behind me, forcing those who don't want to be a part of it to push forward to get out of the way. I got squeezed into the railing and I could barely breath. Security guards had to pull me out before I passed out from asphyxiation. I ended up with a bruise on my chest in the form of the railing, and worse yet, I had to watch the show from the back of the venue. :mad:
Another "I hate moshing" story:

About 10 years ago, when the Cadillac Club in Fresno was the place to go for metal shows, there were two shows I went to where moshers went too far. I can't remember what bands were playing since I've seen a few dozen shows there. But, I do vividly remember two separate incidents of a mosher getting thrown out for bringing a knife and using it in the pit to slice people, and another guy wearing spurs to slice up shoes and shins who got detained and turned over to the police.
Not every concert lends its self to moshing. Personally the faster and heavier bands, such as Anthrax, Slayer and the like are okay for pits, but definitely not Maiden and the like. At that point its just knuckleheads who drank too much before the show or idiots who are lashing out because their lives suck or somesuch.
I got knocked unconcious as an unwilling participant of a mosh pit at a Suicidal Tendencies gig back in '89. I paid to see a show, not to wind up being carried to the door and tossed back into the parking lot by a couple of security guards. Boy oh boy, that was well worth my $8.50!
See now you guys are exactly like me!! I know which shows to expect bad moshing such as Anthrax, so I chose to stay at the back but for my very, very favourite bands I like to be up front and maybe try and get a plec or make eye contact etc. Darth - I would have been unbelievably pissed off if that was me at that Maiden show. I was really crushed up front for the DOD but not bad enough for me to want to move from my spot. I know exactly what to expect at rock shows (hell, I've been to that many!) and like being right in the crowd most of the time but it's when the moshers start pushing and shoving everyone that it pisses me off. Like at Donington, during Korn the whole crowd got shoved sideways and if it hadn't been for the domino effect, I would have hit the deck with god knows how many others. Also my brother went to see Machine Head years ago and was right on the barrier, the moshers started behind him and the whole crowd got shoved forward. The prick of a security guard thought my brother was trying to get over the barrier (but he was getting practically pushed over it) so he hauled him out and chucked him out after about 2 songs - fuckers!! :mad:
That's fucked up what happened to your brother!Machine Head are old buddies of mine from here in the bay area.Buy yeah what sucks about moshing is it used to be strictly an underground thing but its crossed over to the big mainstream crowds & they mosh to just about anything now.It's alsoo far mor dangerous caus e teh crowds are so big & its easier for assholes who don't get it to try & hurt people.
I liked it better when I went o a thrash show in a club I knew there'd be moshing but if I went to a traditional Metal show(Like Maiden) there would be none.Back then those kind of crowds taht weren't exposed to thrash ahd no idea.Funny how things have changed.
Danny rctv said:
That's fucked up what happened to your brother!Machine Head are old buddies of mine from here in the bay area.Buy yeah what sucks about moshing is it used to be strictly an underground thing but its crossed over to the big mainstream crowds & they mosh to just about anything now.It's alsoo far mor dangerous caus e teh crowds are so big & its easier for assholes who don't get it to try & hurt people.
I liked it better when I went o a thrash show in a club I knew there'd be moshing but if I went to a traditional Metal show(Like Maiden) there would be none.Back then those kind of crowds taht weren't exposed to thrash ahd no idea.Funny how things have changed.

It is!! He was so pissed off and I don't blame him!!

That's exactly how it should be - it's trendy now which is the sad thing. Like everyone and their mother flashes the horns at everything whereas it was only used at rock gigs back in the day. Change sucks!
Metallicat180 said:
It is!! He was so pissed off and I don't blame him!!

That's exactly how it should be - it's trendy now which is the sad thing. Like everyone and their mother flashes the horns at everything whereas it was only used at rock gigs back in the day. Change sucks!

Yeah and it always was a pretty sad thing to do really.

If I see people doing that now I cant help but just looks like....well dated and so 80's
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