Most annoying lyrical clichés?

This is why I write about movies.. most people know the subject matter and appreciate the reference.. and those who don't think I'm a genius for making up such an intricate theme for a metal song, haha.

Win and Win

Captains going down with their ships, fighting for what you BELIEVE IN, staying true, "this" being "our" last chance.
I could go on forever.
haha, nice thread!

I agree with every post and it reminds me that at least 99 % of all lyrics ever written are pure bullshit... and thus I always hate to write lyrics myself because I don't think mine are any better :-D

Ah and I wondered that there's no complaining about partying/"screwing chicks"-lyrics. No Hardrockers here?
Just rhyming in general comes off as annoying, unless it's done in a very unique and clever way.

It really is hard to get away from the cliches because that's all music has bombarded us with for the past 60 years. I hate the "SING SOMETHING NEW" blah blah... well fuck, sing something new then you assholes!

Or, "I can't breathe/stay alive/exist WITHOUT YOUUUUUUU" and any variation fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck that bullshit!!!
Agree that most lyrics are BS! The worst are rappers trying to be hard and gangsta. Once one rapper comes up with a new word, its in every rap/pop song for years, like: SHORTY and CLUB. Then you have the metal guys and there... oh look how scary we are, don't we scare you with are satanic/evil references. Its like a bunch of nerd dungeons and dragons kids. I hate when bands try to be all serious and over explain. I like lyrics vague, open to many interpretations, not so serious.
I'm sick of metal bands writing songs about how fucked up the world is, all this "we're headed for disaster" shit is fucking weak. No one cares what you have to say about the state of the world. You're a fucking musician. Shut up and write some cool songs.
I'm sick of metal bands writing songs about how fucked up the world is, all this "we're headed for disaster" shit is fucking weak. No one cares what you have to say about the state of the world. You're a fucking musician. Shut up and write some cool songs.


OR when bands sing about politics! Its just the same old tired BS and they think its all profound!
anything where the phrase "what have I done" or something similar is closely followed by "... the chosen one" or something similar.

I've heard this in way too many songs from Testament to Iced Earth, it rubs me the wrong way and I have no rational reason as to why