Most annoying lyrical clichés?

But I'm sure we can all agree that the Slice The Cake lyrics are a shining example of incredible metal lyrics

Another one: People over 20 years old singing about high school problems. Go fuck yourself. I like Blink or whatever, but that shit is fucking ridiculous. You're 25 stop singing about high school.
I'm going to have to second br00t4l bands talking about hating/killing girls/girlfriends. I remember reading through the lyrics for Goodbye To The Gallows, jesus. Emmure lyrics in general, actually.
Max Cavalera sounds like a cliche machine since the first soulfly back in the late 90's. The phrasing and the lyrics are recycled on every song.
I hate rhyming "fire" with "desire". Also when there is a line with "wanting" (I want it) the next one will always be about "needing" (I need it).

I made both mistakes myself years ago but English is my second language so I'm sometimes slow on cliches. That's why I think this is a very cool and useful thread!
anything where the phrase "what have I done"

Fuck Carlos, I have a song called like that :lol:

I think I'm way to obsessed with MUSIC to let some lyrics annoy me.
But I anyway cannot/ don't want to understand the lyrics of your favorite Deathcore band^^
But yeah, it's quite evident that metall guyz like the words like
death, sorrow, pain blablabla
But considering that most bands write about the same kind of stuff I'm quite ok with it...but it's seldom that lyrics really impress be...hence I know that it's anything but easy to write cool/non cheesy/non clichee lyrics, feeling that lyrics aren't my strongest part I also don't like to bash them that hard.
hearing the word "metal" in any metal song just freaks me out.
exept for steel panther :lol:
Instrumental music is far superior and can be far more lyrical than lyrics could ever be, at least in my opinion.

But seriously, anyone using the captain/ship/ocean metaphor needs to be goddamn shot.
"i wear my heart on my sleeve..."

WTF does that even mean anyway?? every time i turn the radio on, a song with that phrase comes up

It means they had a run-in with this guy.
