Most Despised Bands of 2004?

Pyrus said:
I give you a 4.6 for delivery and a 1.3 for creativity. The boys down at the YMCA call me 'asshat'.

Is that out of 5, or 10? Cause I thought the delivery was pretty nice, blunt and all as it was. But hey, come on, I fit 'clown shoes' and 'crap hole' in the same thought, that deserves at least a 2.5.
Pyrus said:
Actually, JP's pretty funny and his musical taste is extremely impressive.
Those are actually the worst things about him. :p

The Grimace said:
Is that out of 5, or 10? Cause I thought the delivery was pretty nice, blunt and all as it was. But hey, come on, I fit 'clown shoes' and 'crap hole' in the same thought, that deserves at least a 2.5.
Pyrus was actually being nice as usual. I gave you straight zeros.

Nobody insults JP except me. When you're good enough to be an intern, you talk tough. Until then, do what Erik said.
Jean-Pierre said:

:Spin: This post causes me to laugh uncontrollably. 10 points! Aaand...

Rhapsody (maybe this is just me, but I hate them enough for the entire metal community, I think.)
The Grimace said:
I was agreeing with you, or rather seconding the question you asked, smart guy. I'm not too sure how you couldn't tell that, but whatever...
Meh, since english isn't my first language I don't get everyone's subtle meanings.
Silent Song said:
most despised band?

would have to be Sun Caged, particularly their singer: because he was great... and he quit.

they better find a new guy soon.

Hmmm, kinda like Lost Horizon. Damn you, Immortal Prognosticator! ...or whatever.
OTEP! If a lobotomy could obliterate all memory of this band I'd have to seriously consider getting it done.