Most Inappropriate/Out of Place thing seen at a metal gig

I wear a Dave Matthews Band t-shirt to every single metal show I go to.
Once I almost got beat up by a tr00 metal head... I think it was an Arch Enemy show... The guy was really pissed off! He thought I wasn't true enough to be there...
AllWithinMyMonster said:
What is the weirdest shit you've ever seen at a concert? I'm curious to hear some titilating responses! Last night at IE I witnessed metal blasphemy!
Some dude had blue hair, dreadlocks, and an Insane Clown Posse shirt on! Oh the travesty! That was about as wrong and inappropriate as having sex with guardian of darkness pimple faced sister! Just kidding Gardy! You know I love ye :)
Yeh, i was at that show too. And i saw that dude. Yeh, that was a little weird.
Angrafan said:
Once I almost got beat up by a tr00 metal head... I think it was an Arch Enemy show... The guy was really pissed off! He thought I wasn't true enough to be there...
An Arch Enemy fan was mad at you for listening to Dave Matthews? :err:

What a retard.
TheGraveDigger said:
Not inappropriate or out of place but very funny....

I saw Exodus earlier this year. I forgot during what song, it may have been Bonded By Blood or War Is My Sheppard some fat fuck got on stage. Now people were getting on stage all night of course by crowd surfing but god only knows how this beat got up there. He had no shirt on and weighed a good 250 or more. I wouldn't call it a jump but he flopped into the crowd and rather than people catch him he took out about 12 of them! I was cracking up to say the least. Very funny stuff.
anonymousnick2001 said:

I went to see Dream Theater last summer. It's the end of a three-hour show, and DT are the closing band. They finish, and standing right in front of me was this Indian guy screaming "Queensryyyyyyche! Queeeeeensryyyyyche!" jumping up and down while holding up a W with his fingers.

Not \m/, but W. And he had an accent. A bad one.

What a way to want an encore.
Haha....can u say "embarrassing"? :lol:
There was a Death Metal concert right infront of a church. lol.

But anyways, this one shitty band at that concert decided they'd burn the bible and piss on the cross on top of the church. It was kinda funny. I think it was more innappropriate and out of place to put the concert in front of a church though. lol
Angrafan said:
I wear a Dave Matthews Band t-shirt to every single metal show I go to.
Once I almost got beat up by a tr00 metal head... I think it was an Arch Enemy show... The guy was really pissed off! He thought I wasn't true enough to be there...

"Tr00" metalheads don't like Arch Enemy, sorry.
Some of these are good, sex at a Megadeth concert, walrus's flopping onto the front rows etc.

Well I can remember a couple from festivals last year:

At Donnington I was making my way through the crowd to get nearish the front before Ministry were due to play and as I past what would have been about the twentieth row I noticed two ladies who looked in their fifties or sixties dressed like they were going out for a picnic. I hope they either got out of the way or kicked some serious arse.

At Reading we were standing near one of the bars when Good Charlotte came one and we watched the fourty minute bottle barrage but there was one bit towards the end that made me nearly spill my drink laughing. During what I can only assume was one of their big numbers the singer was trying to incite a circle pit, one of the cameras panned in on where the action should be and it came up on the screen. What it showed was two burly, long haired, Iron Maiden/Slayer t-shirt wearing gentlemen just demolishing the crowd, they were just knocking all these people over and carving out a clearing in the crowd it was so funny to watch.
A couple of years ago, at the New England Metal and Hardcore Fest. Anal Cunt was headlining the second stage, and Hatebreed was headlining the smallest stage. Something goes wrong on the smallest stage, which means Hatebreed has to play the second stage. Seth from A.C. gets ready to go on stage, and Jamie from Hatebreed starts yelling at him. A.C.'s crew is setting up, but all of a sudden Hatebreeds wigger crew jumps A.C.'s crew. Jamie thinks he's betting up Seth, but in reality, Seth is staning in the background laughing at Jamie. He was just punching air! Not out of place or inappropiate, but very funny.
Oh yeah... I remember at a local gig... I think the local punk band Plonker were playing a set and this tall lanky fella with dredlocks charges into the pit... wearing a girl scout uniform. I'm talking about skirt and all. The bloke looked like he was on LSD or something, and he kept tripping over trying to get back into the pit when everyone pushed him out (the pit only cosisted of about 10 guys).

I didnt laugh at the time, because I just couldnt get my head around it... but looking back, it's pretty bloody funny.