Most overated band / album?

Mar 2, 2004
I would have to put Radiohead. I mean I can listen to them but there is somthing about them that just pisses me off after a while. Maybe its the constant high-pitched 'emotive' vocals. And electronics will never replace real instruments, no matter how arty-farty you try and make them sound.But apprentley Radiohead are the Pink Floyd for our generation, so maybe it's just me and I just don't understand the genius of it all :puke:

Other worthy mentions:
Mayhem, In Flames, The Deftones,Coldplay,Audioslave and Smashing Pumpkins.

Well that's my little bitch for tonight, ciow :wave:
the Beatles.

slag me off all you want for it, dont matter. I acknowledge and respect the impact they had on not only rock and roll but pop culture, however i dont think they were, are, or will be as great as theyre made out to be musicaly.
You are so wrong. With Radiohead and Coldplay atleast. It's obvious that you don't like their style, but their not overrated. Coldplay f.ex is the only really soft music I listen to, and I think their great. Radiohead has made some fucking awesome music. Just look at Ok.Computer. It's so good.
I dont think Mayhem are overated. The newer stuff obviously doesnt have any of the impact of the earlier recordings, but they used to be fucken great.

As far as overated bands go... Vintersorg, Extol, Pain of Salvation, Dream Theatre... and Probot hahaha
Shroud, it's Dream Theater, and Pain Of Salvation is definitely not overrated. They're definitely a love/hate kinda band, but for example promoters (or people in general) here in Finland seem to know nothing of them. They don't have much of a fanbase in USA either since the only place they manage to play at is ProgPower.
Remedy Lane has been in our record store's shelves for half a year by now. :(
mot- said:
The Mars Volta.
Yow, can't agree with you here. I love that album.

I'm gonna go the opposite route here though....and since there has been plenty of "fighting" about this already....maybe ya'll could just accept that I believe this instead of assuming that I"m retarded or something......BUT.....I think that Metallica's St. Anger is wildly underrated. I'm not into Load and all that, and was a huge fan of the band in the early years.....but I just don't get why everybody hates St. Anger so much. I think that the drum sound (the most common complaint) is worse on ....And Justice For All....and I mean that. Sounds like a shoebox. Anyway, that's what I think.
Porcupine Tree
I know many people love'em, but I dont see anything fascinating about their music. It makes me drowsy.

My Dying Bride - I like them alot. Nevertheless, their song are kinda boring, and the only album I find excellent is "Dreadful Hours".
Radiohead - Kid A. Some hail it as the best "rock album" or dare even "album" of the 1990s. Last summer, I sat myself down and listened to it 3 times in a row. Wow, is it just me or is there only 1 or 2 good SONGS on that album. It's a borefest of industrialized whining and unhetero singing.

If you think St. Anger has better drum production than ...And Justice For All you seriously need to get your head checked. Tiolet metal dosen't overthrow metal with a production so good it barely needed bass guitar.
AJFA didn't have good production, but way better than St. Anger. At first I liked the album, now I don't anymore. St. Anger is NOT produced.

Porcupine Tree, Mars Volta, Agalloch, Slipknot
Nah, St. Anger was produced badly intentionally. Makes it even worse altogether.

If any band, Iced Earth is a bit overrated cause they've done nothing much different with their music since The Dark Saga.
based on bands you fellas mentioned, here's my take:

NOT overrated: the beatles, mars volta, porcupine tree

overrated: iced earth (although i like them...not as much as i used to however)

AND for the record, st.anger has horrible horrible production, and the drums sound like fucking garbage. AJFA has some of metallica's best drumming, are we listening to the same music electricwiz?
Kirk isn't the most accurate guy live from what I've heard though...then again people say he's been getting better again. Same with Lars, without the 'getting better' part.
To hell with that bassist with a potato in his mouth too.

And I'm still looking forward to the gig in May. Sad.