Most Play Count Opeth Songs (iTunes ETC.)

Wow, that is surprising to hear that it still works. I hate that program it's just so unnecessary for most of us, plus the fact it uses so much RAM for a relatively simple program. I don't see why they just don't release a separate scrobbler plugin.

Yeah, I'm using the latest foobar too, and the plugin has just always worked fine. I probably won't even update it until it breaks. "If it ain't broken..."

I'm glad to know there is an update though. Bookmarked the page.

I agree about the program. I downloaded and installed it once just to see what it was all about. It was only installed for about 5 minutes when I realized the program is literally useless and doing nothing but sitting in my tray, eating resources.
1. Wreath
2. The Drapery Falls
3. Face of Melinda

Wreath isn't even my favorite on Deliverance but I love to listen to it a lot for some reason.
1. Deliverance - 72
2. Bleak - 58
3. Advent - 52
4. A Fair Judgement - 51
5. Harvest - 50
6. The Leper Affinity - 50
7. Blackwater Park - 47
8. The Twighlight is my Robe - 45
9. When - 42
10. Wreath - 40

That's what I listen to on my PC so there are the counts missing for listening to the CDs.
Not a big fan of Harvest anymore, but it's still way up.
Oh, I wish I knew the answer. I have Orchid, Morningrise, MAYH, Still Life, Damnation and Ghost Reveries on vinyl. I have every album on CD, I have them all in mp3s and I have every album on my iPod. I reformatted a computer and bought a new iPod a year ago, so my iTunes will be very incorrect for everything on there. Taking a guess, Still Life, MAYH and Ghost Reveries have had the most listens. My iPod tells me I've heard The Lotus Eater 68 times, which is probably in the ballpark. I'd guess When I've listened to in the 200+ range, but I have no way of finding out without Divine Intervention!