Most Recent Interviews....

i downloaded it, and listened. steve has 20 minuteish of talking, and they play some music and the radio host talks in a really annoying voice. Great interview. they play bittersweet feast after the interview which was awesome
i downloaded it, and listened. steve has 20 minuteish of talking, and they play some music and the radio host talks in a really annoying voice. Great interview. they play bittersweet feast after the interview which was awesome

Well, I just wanted to help spread the word about this internet radio station, Paul. Dom is a nice guy, and I just wanted to help out on the promo end of things, that why the whole show appears, not just the interview... picky picky!:lol:

Enjoy the interview folks, and think about what I say in relation to kidney donation....there's a lot of people in need. Just a thought.:headbang: :headbang: :headbang:
Awesome news Steve! I hope you have a fun time on the show. Also are you going to wear those chem suits since you are quarantined from what i've read on the EssenEss forum?:lol: that would be so metal:lol:
so is this a TV show or radio?
if it is TV are you gonna go there in person or join them by phone. If you go in person are we gonna see you wear a mask? (like those used on PoE tour and on the cover of TGE?:lol: :lol: :lol: or just a mask like the people in China wear when there is a SARS outbreak?):headbang:
Don't say SARS - every time I hear that and think only like two fucking people died it makes me want to beat the shit out of that little fearmonger and make it do some real damage.

That said, can't wait.

Don't say SARS - every time I hear that and think only like two fucking people died it makes me want to beat the shit out of that little fearmonger and make it do some real damage.

That said, can't wait.


Know your history, Jeff. That was real. I remember we had to cancel shows with Testament on the Metal Gods tour in '03 because of this....
I do know my history - the main issue was that it was hyped up to end the world, and while I was a bit smart-assed about the low figure, more people still died due to car accidents in that time while our friendly, unbiased media decided that terrorists were going to use SARS to kill freedom. Ironically enough, it now looks like a large amount of the real damage done in SARS cases is due to the body's overreaction to the pathogen.

I do know my history - the main issue was that it was hyped up to end the world, and while I was a bit smart-assed about the low figure, more people still died due to car accidents in that time while our friendly, unbiased media decided that terrorists were going to use SARS to kill freedom. Ironically enough, it now looks like a large amount of the real damage done in SARS cases is due to the body's overreaction to the pathogen.

Right on man. Didn't mean that to offend you, just to raise awareness to the fact that plenty of people were diagnosed, and many died, from this disease.
I understand about the media spin on the whole thing, and, looking back, we were still getting over the fact that Sept. 11th happened. A lot of people were tripping out, predicting the end of the world,etc. That still hasn't changed, and now we have Bird Flu to worry about. And, as a world traveller, and more importantly, a kidney transplant recipient, this is a real thing to be concerned about as well. Hopefully, this one is figured out and solved in due time!:headbang:
the avian flu would totally crush us right now if it were to spread fast. We basically have no defense against it, and because of that no vaccine very soon, cause even a vaccine dose of the virus would spread because it would totally be ignored by our immune system and kill us all.
Theoretically our immune systems should be strong enough to defend againstTB in optimal conditions (no other viruses are in there, no stress, lots of sleep, food and shit like that). but with the bird flu we are fucked. Bush should spend more money on finding a vaccine for that shit rather than care about iran's "nukuclar" program.
Did anyone tape that?, i couldn't watch, i got home at around 6:40 pacific time
It's killed less than forty people a year, and unless you have a thing for lung-raping chickens you're not going to be in danger.

It doesn't transmit well between people, it mutates much too rapidly for an effective vaccine to be developed, and it's not nearly as much of a threat as you think it is. Hell, I don't like Bush, and I don't think he should be sticking his nose in Iran's business either, but you and I both know that more Americans die at the hands of other fucking Americans for terrorism or the bird flu or Iran or the underpants gnomes to give us much competition.

That said, I missed it too - having some home problems, school work, and a bit of tinkering to do (got my D Activator in yesterday, so I wired it up series in the bridge, wired the Super Distortion in parallel, and put them out of phase with each other... amazing sounds all around, I get more clarity with distortion in B than most people would dream of in E with Led Zeppelin crunch) so I couldn't keep track of the time.
