Most technical?...

all of them... the guy just can't play dumb music at all :p

some of the ones i find most technical:
I spit of your grave
The sin trade
Shadow Island

Children of Bodom (amazing riff)
Children of Decadence (the melodies are outright amazing but also check out Ale's part during the chorus)
Towards dead end

and the most glorious of them all: Silent Night, Bodom Night \m/
i don't know, but i think these are pretty technical.

kissing the shadows
follow the reaper

and if they aren't then fuck off.:)
All of their stuff is more technical that lots of stuff.....but Follow the Reaper stands out to me. Probably cuz I like the melodies so much in that song. :D
From COB I would choose Kissing the Shadows because of the wild sweeps, Children of Bodom (Malmsteen influences and awesome intro riff) and of course the ultimate song for me "Children of Decadence" with the great picking part that starts at 3.30.
Sinergy: Definately, I spit on your grave and Suicide by my Side.
I think that only the last Sinergy album reaches technically COB
>to eagleflyfree: if youve learned these songs you say, do you mind tabbing them and sharing

yeah i wish haha i don't even have a real guitar, only an acoustic one... and i couldn't play a bunch of notes straight to save my ass from a crocodile haha