(guitar players) most technical COB album ?

Most difficult/technical album

  • Something Wild

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Hatebreeder

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Follow The Reaper

    Votes: 4 22.2%
  • Hate Crew Deathroll

    Votes: 1 5.6%
  • Are You Dead Yet?

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Blooddrunk

    Votes: 4 22.2%
  • Relentless, Reckless, Forever

    Votes: 8 44.4%
  • Halo Of Blood

    Votes: 1 5.6%

  • Total voters


Active Member
Jan 21, 2007
Good evening guys!

I can nearly play all COB songs and was wondering what do you guys think, which is the most technical or maybe most difficult album for you to play?
Whenever a new album came out, I was like "shit, that's really difficult to play" but after a bit of practising every song is not that hard to play.
Of course, every album has a few songs which are harder to learn but there's no album which is outstanding imo.
When you listen to HOB, most of the songs are pretty easy. WOS, DMHOY, OBAAKD, AT, HOB and Transference are pretty easy to learn because there's lots of repetitions in it.
The first 3 albums got less repetitions in the songs but aren't that technical and are mostly based on simple chords.
I had definitely more problems to learn songs from HCDR, AYDY and RRF but the solos on HOB and RRF and some from HCDR are harder to play than any other solos imo.
If I would name one song from each album which is imo the hardest song to play (including both guitars and solos), my list would be:
HB: maybe TDE
FTR: maybe COD or NC
RRF: PMS or Ugly

Edit: Oh, I forgot to name one. I think the most difficult and technical album is RRF
I'm thinking either AYDY or RRF. HoB turned out to be easier than I thought it would be. AYDY has NiL which is hard as fuck, but RRF has SK..... idk it's pretty close but I'll vote for RRF
Yeah, last three albums are hardest to play for me. But the hardest thing for me is playing and singing along, and by playing I mean playing leads and singing, like Alexi does. I can do that with songs like Transference, Deadnight Warrior, Every Time I Die, but songs like Towards Dead End or Touch Like Angel Of Death are way too hard for me to do that. I guess I suck lol :(

ETA: I voted RRF. Halo Of Blood seems hard only because it's new.
Hmmm...I'm going to go with Relentless Reckless Forever, my technical song of choice being Cry Of The Nihilist...Ugly and PMS aren't too hard for me for some reason o.O
Voted for Blooddrunk, basically because it features riffs that are way out of my comfort zone on many different aspects, thus it's pure hell to play. I never could be arsed to learn any RRF songs properly so I really can't say anything about that. Also, as some others have already stated, HoB was hell of a lot easier than I had expected. Even I learnt few songs pretty fast with my nearly non-existant guitar playing skills.
RRF or sure, followed by Blooddrunk.

A lot of the songs on RRF really gave me some problems.....and still do. I really have to pay attention when playing those songs. Blooddrunk was a little difficult as well, but now that I've been playing those songs for a while it's more ingrained into my head, so I guess I just don't think about it as much.
I don't know many of their songs on guitar, but Blooddrunk seems to have the most technical riffing. The solos from the first 4 albums sound more complicated(Lake Bodom, Mask of Sanity, Warheart). I've never attempted any solos though, only the riffs.
Either Halo of Blood or RRF. Basically the last two albums. I can still play it all :p

On a side note, as much shit Alexi gets for sloppy playing live, he is fucking SINGING WHILE PLAYING some damn tricky parts. Not fully focused on just one completely. And combine that with having only one go at a song, being in front of thousands of people, remembering lyrics, and whatever other shit he is dealing with that given day.
Good evening guys!

I can nearly play all COB songs and was wondering what do you guys think, which is the most technical or maybe most difficult album for you to play?
Whenever a new album came out, I was like "shit, that's really difficult to play" but after a bit of practising every song is not that hard to play.
Of course, every album has a few songs which are harder to learn but there's no album which is outstanding imo.
When you listen to HOB, most of the songs are pretty easy. WOS, DMHOY, OBAAKD, AT, HOB and Transference are pretty easy to learn because there's lots of repetitions in it.
The first 3 albums got less repetitions in the songs but aren't that technical and are mostly based on simple chords.
I had definitely more problems to learn songs from HCDR, AYDY and RRF but the solos on HOB and RRF and some from HCDR are harder to play than any other solos imo.
If I would name one song from each album which is imo the hardest song to play (including both guitars and solos), my list would be:
HB: maybe TDE
FTR: maybe COD or NC
RRF: PMS or Ugly

Edit: Oh, I forgot to name one. I think the most difficult and technical album is RRF

You really think Northern Comfort is more difficult than Kissing the Shadows?
I think the opposite, NC is really simple except for the harmony keyboard run thing near the end which is still a pretty simple sequence. Some of the melodies in KtS can be tricky and of course there's the whole solo section and sweeping section.
NC is pretty hard, I think the only reason it seems easier is because unlike KtS it's not pretty much a solo the whole time, and the actual solo is pretty short. But I'd still say it's harder than KtS, cuz KtS is just a bunch of Alexi's usual speed runs, so if you've learned other songs it's not that bad. CoD's solo is pretty damn hard too, but other than the solos FtR isn't that hard of an album
NC doesn't have much to it though. Power chords, the melody and riffs for the verses are very easy, the sequences for the chorus are easy and pretty slow, the melody thing after the bridge or whatever is simple triads at the same slow speed. The only challenging part is the solo which is very short and only has like two different sequences on two strings. All the melodies for KtS are faster and trickier, and the solos have quite a few parts and sequences that aren't just simple scalar runs. And the sweeping section is fast even though it's pretty much all simple 3 string shapes.
Either Halo of Blood or RRF. Basically the last two albums. I can still play it all :p

On a side note, as much shit Alexi gets for sloppy playing live, he is fucking SINGING WHILE PLAYING some damn tricky parts. Not fully focused on just one completely. And combine that with having only one go at a song, being in front of thousands of people, remembering lyrics, and whatever other shit he is dealing with that given day.

Yep, alot of people forget that. I don't think Alexi gets as much credit as he should. As you said, he is freaking singing at the same time while playing stuff most people can't play. And he writes all music and lyrics himself too, although some lyrics havent always been so good.