I just would like to point out

The Leper said:
Yes, yes we know all our fair share of alexi rip offs. deal with it, it happens.

Metal is a very limited genre.

No, you're wrong. Metal is not limited. A guitarist must never, NEVER play anything that remotely resembles another song. That is not tr00.
The Leper said:
Metal is a very limited genre.

I'd have to disagree with you, since that sounds like total crap to me.

One thing is limited and another one is a guy ripping of other guys because he has no inspiration to write his own music.

In this case, it is obviously the 2nd one.
Justinschut said:
Nope, it was PG

I know, I through that out there to weed out the untr00 poseurs.

I wanna buy a PGM, but I jsut bought a 7 string, to try and sait my unsatiable lust for guitars.
