I gotta call "bullshit!" on that statement. "Martyrdom" is a word we're all familiar with.
In terms of "killing in the name of" it is most definitely killing motivated by the religion.
It's not where it's an inanimate object like a gun which takes a person to pull the trigger. Most religious murderers are talked into it by their priests/pastors/imams what have you.
Athiests don't fly airplanes into buildings.
What you just said is still all about people... so I'll still say the same.
Killing in the name of it is bullshit, in what religion does it say you must fucking kill people in the name of that particular religion? If it does, then fuck that religion.
Yeah, most religious murderers are talked into it by their priests and shit, but it still doesn't change what I said previously. Those priests or imams or whatever the fuck they are, did not take that from their bible or quran. They twisted it so it could fit their personal fuckmania.
I personally don't believe in good or evil, but if there is one grand evil in the universe, it's humanity for sure. Religion, for me, is supposed to be just a way of living your life... quite simple, that's it really. But when it crosses over to other people's lives, like when christianity went on a crusade to convert people by force etc. it's gone WAY too far. Religion should be kept only to oneself, confined within oneself and not hinder anything or anyone outside of oneself. Atleast that's my view on it.
So I hereby say it again, it's people who kill, not religion. The race for power and dominance, money and greed and so on, is what makes humans so special... in a very bad way obviously. It's just so sad that terrorists and conservative christian pigs (not bashing christians, just those that are extreme) twist their religion and feed it into the brains of the young ones, and totally deceive them. And this is an act that is done by them, people, so it's their fault in the end. A book is just a fucking book, it can't do shit on its own other than fuck around on a table all day. The person who interprets it is the one who is responsible imo.
A thought I've had on and off is ... what would happen if every trace of religion got destroyed and every human being forgot about it? If one of the major religions that exist today are "true", God or whoever would surely send another copy with the galactic express and another Jizz-us would pop up somewhere in the world. A bit tricky to complete this experiment though, but I can see it happening in the future

Religionless people are just increasing in numbers, which is good. Everybody should use their so called free will as christians love to tell you about as soon as they're caught with a question they can't answer, to choose wtf to believe in.