Motivational Posters

The best from my folder: :)













Hahahahahahha, wow, another great batch. For the life of me, though, I couldn't spot anything out of the ordinary in the Bioshock mindfuck.
Yeah the mind fuck of the girl laying naked in the office took me a while..

...till i looked through the window.

Whats the "Major Mindfuck" though?
Somehow I can't seem to get the concept behind them... Someone plz explain! :goggly:
You can read about it here. Anyway, goatse was a site with a picture of a dude spreading his anus with his hands. It was an internet phenomenon pretty much like the "2 girls and 1 cup". Then people started to post pics on the net of things with shapes that remind the original picture (the Bioshock pic was an excellent example).

Why is it called "goatse"? Never mind what would poses a person to do such a thing..
It was the name of the site with the infamous pic (

Whats the "Major Mindfuck" though?
Actually is the black guy on the left. The red circle is just to distract you and see the sprinting black dude with you peripheral vision.
You can read about it here. Anyway, goatse was a site with a picture of a dude spreading his anus with his hands. It was an internet phenomenon pretty much like the "2 girls and 1 cup". Then people started to post pics on the net of things with shapes that remind the original picture (the Bioshock pic was an excellent example).

It was the name of the site with the infamous pic (

Actually is the black guy on the left. The red circle is just to distract you and see the sprinting black dude with you peripheral vision.
Another example is one of the finalists for the 2012 London Olympics.

It was taken out of the competiton once people realised it resembled goatse.